首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology >Genetic characterization of Egyptian and Italian sheep breeds using mitochondrial DNA

Genetic characterization of Egyptian and Italian sheep breeds using mitochondrial DNA




A 721-bp fragment from 15,541 to 16,261 bp (NC_001941.1) of the mtDNA controlregion from different Egyptian and Italian sheep breeds was amplified. The PCR products werepurified and sequenced. From the amplified fragment of 721-bp, a region of 423 bp after excludinga central region rich in tandem repeats was analyzed.Within all tested breeds, the haplotype diversity and average number of pairwise differences were0.97571 and 7.01484, respectively. The genetic distances (D) and the average number of pairwisedifferences (Dxy) between breeds were estimated. The lowest distance was observed between Laticaudaand Italian Muflon followed by distance between Sarda and Italian Muflon while the highestdistance was observed between Barki and Sarda followed by distance between Barki and Laticauda.Phylogenetic analysis showed the presence of three haplogroups – HapA, HapB and HapC – inthe examined samples with the absence of other two haplogroups HapD and HapE. All Italiansamples cluster with B haplogroup and also in the Egyptian breeds the most dominant haplogroupwas B (62 out of 67 analyzed samples). In Egyptian Barki breed one individual clusters with Ahaplogroup and another individual with C haplogroup. In Ossimi breed two individuals cluster withC haplogroup and in Rahmani there is one sample belonging to A haplogroup.The matrix of pairwise differences among breeds was used to perform a Principal ComponentAnalysis (PCA). This analysis showed that the Italian breeds are clearly separated from theEgyptian breeds; moreover the Egyptian Barki breed is separated from Ossimi and Rahmani.
机译:扩增了来自不同埃及和意大利绵羊品种的mtDNA控制区的从15541到16261 bp(NC_001941.1)的721 bp片段。纯化PCR产物并测序。从721 bp的扩增片段中,分析出一个富含串联重复序列的中心区域后的423 bp区域。在所有测试品种中,单倍型多样性和平均成对差异数分别为0.97571和7.01484。估计了品种之间的遗传距离(D)和平均成对差异数(Dxy)。在拉提卡达和意大利Muflon之间的距离最小,其次是Sarda和意大利Muflon之间的距离,而在Barki和Sarda之间的最高距离是Barki和Laticauda之间的距离。在没有其他两个单倍群HapD和HapE的情况下检查样本。所有意大利样品均与B单倍群聚在一起,在埃及品种中,最主要的单倍群为B(67个分析样品中的62个)。在埃及的巴尔基(Barki)犬种中,一个个体与Ahaplogroup聚在一起,另一个个体与C haplogroup。在奥西米(Ossimi)品种中,有两个具有C单倍群的个体群集,而在拉哈玛尼(Rahmani)中有一个属于A单倍群的样本。使用品种间成对差异矩阵进行主成分分析(PCA)。分析表明,意大利品种与埃及品种明显分开。此外,埃及的Barki品种与Ossimi和Rahmani分开。



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