首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology >Eutrophication Control by Physical-Ecological Engineering At the Mouth of the Maixi River in Baihua Reservoir

Eutrophication Control by Physical-Ecological Engineering At the Mouth of the Maixi River in Baihua Reservoir




From June 2009 to August 2011, an integrated physical and ecological engineering experiment (PEE) for ecological remediation was conducted in the Maixi river estuary in Baihua Reservoir. An experiment site (EXP) inside, and a reference site (REF) outside, the engineering enclosure were selected. Total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) at EXP were significantly lower than at REF; and the greatest differences were 1.00 mg/L, 0.04 mg/L, 23.06 μg/L, and 8.40 mg/L, respectively. Transparency at EXP was dramatically higher than at REF. The trophic index state (TSI) was between oligotrophic and mesotrophic at EXP, between mesotrophic and eutrophic at REF. Phytoplankton abundance in June 2011 was 2100×104 cells/L at REF, but lower at EXP with 33×104 cells/L. Cyanobacteria dominated phytoplankton biomass at both sites, but a higher proportion of diatoms and dinoflagellates was found at EXP. Rotifers were the main estuarine zooplankton. Copepod abundance was significantly different among the sites (p0.01), with greater abundance at EXP. In general, eutrophication was controlled by the PEE, which could be adjusted to improve water quality.
机译:2009年6月至2011年8月,在白花水库的麦溪河口进行了生态修复综合物理与生态工程实验(PEE)。选择了工程围护结构内部的实验站点(EXP)和外部的参考站点(REF)。 EXP的总氮(TN),总磷(TP),叶绿素a(Chl-a)和化学需氧量(COD)显着低于REF。最大差异分别为1.00 mg / L,0.04 mg / L,23.06μg/ L和8.40 mg / L。 EXP的透明度大大高于REF。营养指数状态(TSI)在EXP时处于贫营养和中营养状态之间,在REF时处于中营养和富营养状态之间。 2011年6月浮游植物的丰度在REF为2100×104细胞/ L,而在EXP时较低,为33×104细胞/ L。蓝细菌在两个地点都以浮游植物生物量为主,但在EXP处发现硅藻和鞭毛藻的比例更高。轮虫是河口的主要浮游动物。 pe足虫的丰度在位点之间存在显着差异(p <0.01),而在EXP处的丰度更高。通常,富营养化受到PEE的控制,可以对其进行调整以改善水质。



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