首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental and Public Health >Heavy Metals in Water and Sediment: A Case Study of Tembi River

Heavy Metals in Water and Sediment: A Case Study of Tembi River




This study was carried out to examine heavy metals concentration in water and sediment of upstream and downstream of the entry of the sewage to the Tembi River, Iran. Samples were collected from upstream and downstream and were analyzed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Zn by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results indicated that the average concentration of the metals in water and sediment on downstream was more than that of upstream. The comparison of the mean concentrations of heavy metals in water of the Tembi River with drinking water standards and those in the water used for agriculture suggests that the mean concentration of Cu and Zn lies within the standard range for drinking water and the mean concentration of Mn, Zn, and Pb lies within the standard range of agricultural water. The highest average concentration on downstream for Pb in water and for Mn in sediment was 1.95 and 820.5 ppm, respectively. Also, the lowest average concentration on upstream was identified for Cd in water and sediment 0.07 and 10 ppm, respectively. With regard to the results, it gets clear that using the water for recreational purposes, washing, and fishing is detrimental to human health and the environment.
机译:这项研究旨在检查污水进入伊朗Tembi河上游和下游的水和沉积物中的重金属浓度。从上游和下游收集样品,并通过原子吸收分光光度计分析镉,铬,铜,铁,铅,镍和锌。结果表明,下游水体和沉积物中金属的平均浓度高于上游。坦比河的饮用水和农业用水中的重金属平均浓度的比较表明,铜和锌的平均浓度在饮用水的标准范围内,锰的平均浓度在,锌和铅在农业用水的标准范围内。水中铅和沉积物中锰的下游平均最高浓度分别为1.95和820.5 andppm。另外,水中和沉积物中Cd的上游平均最低浓度分别为0.07和10 ppm。关于结果,很明显,将水用于娱乐目的,洗涤和捕鱼对人体健康和环境都是有害的。



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