首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health >Evaluation of the Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity Concentration in Some Agricultural Products (Vegetables and Fruits) Obtained in Two Oil Fields in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Evaluation of the Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity Concentration in Some Agricultural Products (Vegetables and Fruits) Obtained in Two Oil Fields in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria




The gross alpha and beta radionuclide activity concentration in two agricultural products(vegetables and fruits) obtained in selected oil fields within the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria have been studied and evaluated. Vegetables and fruits samples were harvested, collected and analysed for gross alpha and beta activity using an IN-20 model gas-flow proportional counter. The results obtained showed that the average gross alpha and beta activity for vegetables samples ranged from 0.303±0.039 Bg-1 to 0.482±0.041 Bqg-1 and 0.069±0.055 to 0.880±0.053 Bq/g respectively, while the average gross alpha and beta activity for fruit samples ranged from BDL to 0.561±0.41 Bq/g and 0.164±0.061 to 0.693±0.056 Bq/g respectively. These results revealed an elevation over the activity of the control samples taken from non-oil bearing environment and the World Health Organization standard limit of 0.1Bq/g for gross alpha activity but the average beta activity were all below the WHO standard limit of 1.0 Bq/g in all the zones studied. The elevation recorded may be due to oil exploration activities with associated artificial or anthropogenic activities such as gas flare, pollutants, transportation by air media to plant surfaces, frequent oil spillage into and back to the soil or any accidental underground pollutants into the food chain encountered in the surveyed areas. However, the results so obtained may not pose any serious detrimental health side-effects to the public consuming these products.
机译:研究和评估了尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区某些油田获得的两种农产品(蔬菜和水果)中总的α和β放射性核素活度浓度。收获,收集蔬菜和水果样品,并使用IN-20模型气流比例计数器分析其总的α和β活性。结果表明,蔬菜样品的平均总α和β活性分别为0.303±0.039 Bg-1至0.482±0.041 Bqg-1和0.069±0.055至0.880±0.053 Bq / g,而平均总α和β水果样品的活性分别为BDL至0.561±0.41 Bq / g和0.164±0.061至0.693±0.056 Bq / g。这些结果表明,取自非含油环境的对照样品的活性有所提高,世界卫生组织的总α活性为0.1Bq / g,但平均β活性均低于WHO的1.0 Bq极限。 / g在所有研究的区域中。记录的海拔高度可能是由于石油勘探活动以及与之相关的人工或人为活动,例如瓦斯燃烧,污染物,通过空气介质运输至植物表面,频繁的石油溢漏进入土壤或返回土壤或遇到的偶然的地下污染物进入食物链在被调查的地区。但是,如此获得的结果可能不会对食用这些产品的公众构成任何严重的有害健康副作用。



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