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Legal Aspects of the Formation of Electronic Contracts in Tanzania: A Case Study of Tanzania-Japan Business Relationship




A contract is essentially the main way through which trade negotiations are implemented. [1] The contract normally contains rights and obligations of the parties to a business transaction. [2] In the context of international trade normally the parties to the contract are based in different countries. [3] This factor plays an important and compelling role in the choice of nature of contracts involved which in most cases, is Electronic Contract. Electronic contracts seems to be an effective [4] and efficient means of conducting international trade transactions for they save time and cost of paper work and traveling to meet business partners. [5] The use of electronic contract is also dictated by the changes in the global system of conducting business which is shifting from paper based system to electronic system / cyber market where by communication is simplified electronically ( Internet connection). [6] For example the contracts of purchase of vehicles concluded by Tanzanians who purchases cars from Japan through electronic contracts with the Japanese car dealers The focus of this research is to examine the legal aspects of formation of Electronic Contracts in Tanzanian Context. The main objective is to examine some legal challenges associated with formation of electronic contract in line with the adequacy of the Tanzania Law of Contract Act in as far as formation of electronic contracts is concerned. The leading question is the extent to which the Tanzanian Laws governing contracts can accommodate the legal challenges surrounding electronic contracts Other countries like India have already enacted a law to regulate formation of electronic contract. The law is termed The Information and Communication Technology Act. [7] The Act provides for the mode of communicating online offers and acceptance and other matters related to that like the mode of fixing electronic signatures. [8] The findings of this study revealed that Tanzania has no specific law to regulate the formation of electronic contracts. [9] [1] N.N. Kilekamajenga, The Cyber-Market: Formation of Contract Under The United Nation on the Use of Electronic Communication in The Open University Law Journal .Vol 2,79. “One vital criterion in international trade is the cross border transaction of goods. However such exchange of goods is done through agreements.” [2] S. Vivek , supra , note 2, p.140. [3] Article 1 of CUECIC [4] S. Vivek, supra note 2 , p.116 [5] N.N.N. Nditi, The General Principals of Contract Law in East Africa , Dar es salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam, 2009,p 15,48. [6] N.N Kilekamajenga, supra note 3, p.179 [7] Electronic Contract and the Indian Laws by Asian School of Cyber-Law available at www.asianlaw.org last accessed in December, 2009. [8] www.asianlaw.org last accessed in December 2009. [9] Tanzania Position Paper on E-Commerce available at http:// www.irct.tz/documents/positiononpaperone-commerceadobe.pdf last accessed on 15 June 2010.
机译:合同本质上是执行贸易谈判的主要方式。 [1]合同通常包含商业交易各方的权利和义务。 [2]在国际贸易中,通常合同的签约方位于不同的国家。 [3]在选择涉及的合同的性质(在大多数情况下是电子合同)时,该因素起着重要而引人注目的作用。电子合同似乎是进行国际贸易交易的有效方法[4],因为它们节省了书面工作和与业务合作伙伴见面的时间和成本。 [5]电子合同的使用还取决于全球交易业务系统的变化,该变化正在从基于纸质的系统转变为电子系统/网络市场,其中通过电子方式简化了通信(互联网连接)。 [6]例如,坦桑尼亚人通过与日本汽车经销商通过电子合同从日本购买汽车而签订的购车合同。本研究的重点是研究坦桑尼亚语境下电子合同的法律形成。主要目的是在制定电子合同方面,根据坦桑尼亚合同法的适当性,研究与电子合同的形成有关的一些法律挑战。首要的问题是坦桑尼亚有关合同的法律可以在多大程度上适应围绕电子合同的法律挑战。印度等其他国家已经颁布了一项法律,以规范电子合同的形成。该法律被称为《信息和通信技术法》。 [7]该法案规定了在线交流要约和接受的方式以及与之相关的其他事项,例如固定电子签名的方式。 [8]这项研究的结果表明,坦桑尼亚没有专门的法律来规范电子合同的形成。 [9] [1] N.N. Kilekamajenga,网络市场:《开放大学法学报》第2卷,第79页,《联合国根据电子通信的使用订立合同》。 “国际贸易的一个重要标准是货物的跨境交易。但是,这种货物交换是通过协议完成的。” [2] S. Vivek,同上,注2,第140页。 [3] CUECIC第1条[4] S. Vivek,前注2,第116页[5] N.N.N.恩迪蒂,《东非合同法总负责人》,达累斯萨拉姆大学出版社,达累斯萨拉姆,2009年,第15,48页。 [6] NN Kilekamajenga,前注3,第179页。[7]亚洲网络法律学院的电子合同和印度法律,可在www.asianlaw.org上获得,最新访问时间为2009年12月。[8] www.asianlaw。 org上次访问时间为2009年12月。[9]坦桑尼亚电子商务立场文件,网址为http://www.irct.tz/documents/positiononpaperone-commerceadobe.pdf,最新访问时间为2010年6月15日。



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