首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering and Technology Research >Smart crack detection of a cracked cantilever beam using fuzzy logic technology with hybrid membership functions

Smart crack detection of a cracked cantilever beam using fuzzy logic technology with hybrid membership functions




Damage detection methods have been considerably increased over the past few decades. A crack in a structural member introduces local flexibility that would affect vibration response of the structure. This property may be used to detect existence of a crack together with its location and depth in the structural member. The presence of damage leads to changes in some of the lower natural frequencies and mode shapes. Damage detection is one of the important aspects in structural engineering both for safety reasons and because of economic benefits that can result. This technique has been used in the present investigation for crack detection. Here the crack is transverse surface crack. The crack is analyzed using fuzzy logic system and finite element analysis. The fuzzy controller uses the hybrid membership functions (combination of triangular, trapezoidal and Gaussian) as input and trapezoidal membership functions as output. The input parameters to the fuzzy controller are the first three natural frequencies. The output parameters of the fuzzy controller are the relative crack depth and relative crack location. Finite element analysis has been done for modeling the cracked cantilever beam. By using Several fuzzy rules the results obtained for crack depth and crack location in the Matlab Simulink environment and have been compared with the results obtained from finite element analysis. It is observed that the fuzzy controller can predict the depths and locations accurately close to the finite element analysis. Finally, a deviation of the results obtained by comparing the finite element analysis results and fuzzy controller result.
机译:在过去的几十年中,损坏检测方法得到了极大的发展。结构构件中的裂缝会引入局部柔性,从而影响结构的振动响应。该特性可用于检测裂纹的存在及其在结构构件中的位置和深度。损坏的存在会导致某些较低的固有频率和振型变化。出于安全原因和可能产生的经济利益,损坏检测是结构工程中的重要方面之一。该技术已用于本研究中的裂纹检测。这里的裂缝是横向表面裂缝。使用模糊逻辑系统和有限元分析来分析裂纹。模糊控制器使用混合隶属函数(三角形,梯形和高斯的组合)作为输入,并使用梯形隶属函数作为输出。模糊控制器的输入参数是前三个固有频率。模糊控制器的输出参数是相对裂纹深度和相对裂纹位置。为了模拟开裂的悬臂梁已经进行了有限元分析。通过使用几个模糊规则,在Matlab Simulink环境中获得的裂纹深度和裂纹位置的结果已与有限元分析的结果进行了比较。可以看出,模糊控制器可以精确地预测接近有限元分析的深度和位置。最后,通过比较有限元分析结果和模糊控制器结果获得的结果存在偏差。



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