首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Entomology and Nematology >Evaluation of cultivars and insecticides on insect pests and grain loss of rainfed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) at Baga, Lake Chad shore area of Nigeria

Evaluation of cultivars and insecticides on insect pests and grain loss of rainfed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) at Baga, Lake Chad shore area of Nigeria

机译:在尼日利亚乍得湖岸边地区巴加的雨养cow豆(Vigna unguiculata(L.)Walp。)的害虫和谷物损失的栽培品种和杀虫剂评价



Field trials were conducted to determine effects of cultivar and insecticide application on grain yield and yield loss of cowpea to insect pest during the 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons at Baga (13° 29? N and 13° 32? E), Lake Chad shore area of Nigeria. Three cowpea varieties (Kanannado, Borno brown and IT98k-1312), two insecticides [cypermethrin (30 g) + dimethoate (250 g) and neem seed aqueous extract] and three spray regimes (one each at budding, flowering and podding) were evaluated for the control of pest on cowpea. The treatments were laid in a strip-split plot design and replicated three times each. The results reveal that flower thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti), Legume pod borer (Maruca vitrata), Blister beetle (Mylabris spp.) and Pod Sucking Bug (Anoplocnemi scurvipes) were the major insect pests of rainfed cowpea in the area. The variety Borno brown failed to produce flower in both seasons. IT98k-131-2 was more tolerant to damage by insect pests of budding, flowering and podding stages. Higher percentage increase in grain yield was achieved by three sprays of either Cymbush super EC (87.68 and 61.09%) or NSAE (81.85 and 53.69%) over control in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Pod damage of 22.3-26.3% was recorded in untreated control while in cowpea treated with Cymbush super EC and NSAE, pod damage was 7.0-7.4 and 8.8-10.6%, respectively. Grain yield loss of about 43-45% was recorded in untreated control and this was attributed to the damage caused by insect pests of budding, flowering and podding stages. Cowpea treated with Cymbush super EC and NSAE had 16-31 and 31-34% grain loss, respectively. IT98k-131-2 sprayed three times with either Cymbush super EC or NSAE gave consistently the best grain yield in both seasons. However, NSAE gave averagely higher marginal return (25.45) than Cymbush super EC (18.00) in the study. Three sprays also gave the highest marginal returns over control. Insecticide application once each at budding (35-40 DAS), flowering (50%) and podding (10 day after second spray) was effective in reducing insect pests’ infestation and increased grain yield of rainfed cowpea in the Lake Chad shore area. Three sprays of either Cymbush super EC or NSAE gave economically the best control of insect pest and the best grain yield of cowpea. The variety IT98k-131-2 can be cultivated for resistance and high yield. Neem seed aqueous extract can be used as an alternative insecticide for safe, cheap and effective control of insect pests in cowpea.
机译:进行了田间试验,以确定在乍得湖沿岸地区Baga(13°29?N和13°32?E)的2008年和2009年种植季节,施用品种和杀虫剂对cow豆的籽粒产量和产量的影响。尼日利亚评估了三种cow豆品种(Kanannado,Borno棕色和IT98k-1312),两种杀虫剂[氯氰菊酯(30 g)+乐果(250 g)和印em种子含水提取物]和三种喷雾方式(萌芽,开花和荚果各一种)用于控制cow豆上的害虫。将处理置于带状分割图设计中,并重复三遍。结果表明,花蓟马(Megalurothrips sjostedti),豆科荚bore(Maruca vitrata),水泡甲虫(Mylabris spp。)和荚虫(Anoplocnemi scurvipes)是该地区cow豆were的主要害虫。博尔诺(Borno)棕色品种在两个季节均未开花。 IT98k-131-2更耐芽,开花和荚果期的害虫危害。与2008年和2009年相比,分别对Cymbush超级EC(87.68%和61.09%)或NSAE(81.85%和53.69%)进行了三喷,实现了更高的谷物增产百分比。未经处理的对照组的豆荚损伤记录为22.3-26.3%,而用Cymbush super EC和NSAE处理的cow豆,豆荚损伤分别为7.0-7.4和8.8-10.6%。在未经处理的对照中记录了约43-45%的谷物减产,这归因于芽,开花和荚果期的害虫所造成的损害。用Cymbush超级EC和NSAE处理的豆的谷物损失分别为16-31%和31-34%。用Cymbush超级EC或NSAE喷雾三遍IT98k-131-2,在两个季节中始终提供最佳的谷物产量。然而,在研究中,NSAE的边际收益平均高于Cymbush super EC(18.00)(25.45)。三次喷洒也使对照的边际收益最高。在乍得湖沿岸地区,在萌芽期(35-40 DAS),开花期(50%)和荚果期(第二次喷雾后10天)一次施用杀虫剂可有效减少害虫的侵袭,并提高雨养cow豆的谷物产量。在经济上,对Cymbush超级EC或NSAE进行三次喷雾可以最好地控制害虫和of豆的最佳谷物产量。可以种植IT98k-131-2以获得抗性和高产。印em种子含水提取物可以用作替代的杀虫剂,用于安全,廉价和有效地防治cow豆中的害虫。



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