首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Promoting Institutional Collaborations for Capacity Improvement of Business Educators in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State of Nigeria

Promoting Institutional Collaborations for Capacity Improvement of Business Educators in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State of Nigeria




This study examined the relevance of promoting institutional collaborations for capacity improvement among business educators in the tertiary education sector in Delta State of Nigeria. Three research questions guided the study. The study employed the descriptive survey research design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 105 business education lecturers out of 307 of them from four Colleges of Education in Delta State. A questionnaire titled: Promoting Institutional Collaborations for Capacity Improvement Questionnaire (PICCIQ), which contained 35 items and designed on a 4 point scale was used to collect data for this study. The instrument was validated by three experts of Business Education and Measurement and Evaluation from the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State of Nigeria. Reliability of the instrument was determined through a pilot-test conducted by the researcher on the instrument, selecting 8 academic staff in business education from two teacher education institutions in Anambra State. The result was found to have a reliability coefficient of 0.64 using the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient Measurement which indicated that the instrument was trustworthy to collect the necessary data for the study. Data collected were analyzed using mean score at 2.50 rating, standard deviation, frequency and simple percentages in order to answer the research questions. From the findings of the study, recommendations were proffered and among such recommendations included that: various education agencies such as NCCE - for college of education should make contributive efforts and encourage institutions to incorporate the practices of institutional collaboration for educators’ capacity improvement. All the same, the agencies should liaison and connect with the Government in order to implement policy on institutional collaborations for academic staff capacity improvement, which also calls for effective strategies to be mapped out as means for achieving this course. All tertiary education institution leaders should avail themselves and including the lecturers in their institutions opportunities of collaborating with other institutions as a means of capacity improvement. The leaders should also have an open-mind towards adopting this practice.
机译:这项研究探讨了在尼日利亚三角州高等教育机构中促进机构合作以提高企业教育者能力的相关性。三个研究问题指导了研究。该研究采用了描述性调查研究设计。目的抽样技术用于从三角洲州立四所教育学院的307名商业教育讲师中选择105名。一项名为“促进机构间合作以提高能力的问卷”(PICCIQ)的问卷包含35项,以4分制设计,用于收集本研究的数据。该工具已得到尼日利亚阿南布拉州阿卡(Awka)Nnamdi Azikiwe大学教育学院的三位商业教育,测量与评估专家的验证。该仪器的可靠性是通过研究人员对该仪器进行的试点测试确定的,该测试从阿南布拉州的两个师范教育机构中选出了8名商业教育学术人员。使用Cronbach Alpha系数测量发现结果的可靠性系数为0.64,这表明该仪器值得信赖,可为研究收集必要的数据。使用2.50等级的平均评分,标准偏差,频率和简单百分比对收集的数据进行分析,以回答研究问题。从研究结果中提出了一些建议,其中包括:NCCE等各种教育机构,用于教育学院应做出贡献,并鼓励机构采用机构合作的做法来提高教育者的能力。同样,各机构应联络并与政府联系,以实施有关机构合作以提高学术人员能力的政策,这也要求制定有效的战略,作为实现该课程的手段。所有高等教育机构的领导者应发挥自己的作用,并在其机构中包括讲师,与其他机构合作的机会是提高能力的一种手段。领导人还应对采取这种做法持开放态度。



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