首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Determination of the Relationship Between Teacher Problems and School Success

Determination of the Relationship Between Teacher Problems and School Success




The aim of this study is to determine what the teacher problems are in different dimensions and to find out if there is a relationship between teacher problems and school achievement. For this purpose, it has been tried to determine how the teacher problems differ according to the variables such as gender, seniority, title, school level, branch and type of school. The research includes teachers who work in primary, secondary and high schools. The scale used as the data collection tool of the survey contains 35 items in total under five main headings. In the questionnaire, short answer questions were added under five headings prepared in the form of likert with a total of 106 items, which were expressed in the press, councils and scientific studies, and it was distributed to the 28 teachers. By analyzing the information gathered from the 28 teachers, the researcher tried to develop a scale of 50 items by combining similar subjects covered under different headings. The developed scale was reapplied in a school with 22 teachers and then factor analysis was performed on these 50 items. Expressions with low item scores were removed and it was finalized as a 35-item scale. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient for the 50-item scale was found to be 0.82, and the reliability studies weren’t conducted for the new scale. The scale continues to be applied at the moment. The obtained information will be analyzed in the light of research sub-problems after the implementation process.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定教师问题在不同维度上是什么,并找出教师问题与学校成绩之间是否存在关系。为此,已尝试根据性别,资历,职称,学校级别,分校和学校类型等变量确定教师问题的差异。该研究包括在小学,中学和高中工作的教师。用作调查数据收集工具的量表在五个主要标题下共包含35个项目。在问卷中,在李克特形式的五个标题下添加了简短回答问题,共有106项,在新闻界,理事会和科学研究中均有表达,并分发给28名教师。通过分析从28位老师那里收集到的信息,研究人员试图通过合并不同标题下的相似主题来制定50个项目的量表。一所拥有22名教师的学校重新采用了已开发的量表,然后对这50个项目进行了因子分析。删除项目得分较低的表达式,并将其最终确定为35个项目的量表。发现50项量表的Cronbach Alpha可靠性系数为0.82,并且没有针对新量表进行可靠性研究。此比例目前仍在应用。实施过程后,将根据研究子问题对获得的信息进行分析。



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