首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environment and Earth Science >Assessment Of Groundwater Potentials Of The Crystalline Aquifers Using Hydraulic Propertiesfor Gidanwaya Town And Its Environs, Southern Parts Of Kaduna State, North Western Nigeria

Assessment Of Groundwater Potentials Of The Crystalline Aquifers Using Hydraulic Propertiesfor Gidanwaya Town And Its Environs, Southern Parts Of Kaduna State, North Western Nigeria




Pumping test data for 25 boreholes were used to evaluate the hydraulic properties of the aquifers derived from the crystalline Basement rocks of Gidan Waya in southern part of Kaduna State Sheet 188 Jema’a NE and NW North Western Nigeria using the Cooper – Jacobs’s non equilibrium graphical procedures. The transmissivity values for the 25 boreholes in the area have a range of between 1.16x10-1 and 9.76x10-3.The hydraulic conductivity values are between 1.12x10-2m/s and 9.24x10-3m/s. The specific capacity values in the studied area ranges between 1.00x10-1 and 9.95x10-2. The maximum drawdown recorded for the boreholes is between 4.24 to 22.9 m while the drawdown per log cycle ranges from 0.28 to 4.40 m. The above range of aquifer properties has revealed the area to be of high to very high groundwater potentials. Lithological borehole logs revealed the aquifers in the area to comprise of clay, silt, sand, gravels and fractured basement rocks aquifer materials. This is further supported by the values of hydraulic conductivity obtained. Generally the result of the pumping test analysis shows that the boreholes on the average have high groundwater potentials with capacity to sustain withdrawals for regional importance in most cases and in fewer situations the supply can only be local and limited. Keywords: Basement Complex, Aquifers, Groundwater potentials, Hydraulic Properties.
机译:使用库珀–雅各布斯的非平衡图,使用25个井眼的抽水试验数据评估了来自卡杜纳州南部188吉马阿东北和西北西北部吉丹瓦亚结晶基底岩的含水层的水力性质。程序。该地区25个钻孔的透射率值范围在1.16x10-1和9.76x10-3之间。水力传导率值在1.12x10-2m / s和9.24x10-3m / s之间。研究区域中的比容量值范围在1.00x10-1和9.95x10-2之间。钻孔的最大压降在4.24至22.9 m之间,而每个测井周期的压降在0.28至4.40 m范围内。上述范围的含水层性质表明该地区具有很高的地下水潜力。岩性钻孔测井显示该地区的含水层包括粘土,粉砂,沙子,砾石和破碎的基底岩石含水层材料。获得的水力传导率值进一步支持了这一点。通常,抽水试验分析的结果表明,平均而言,钻孔具有很高的地下水潜力,在大多数情况下具有维持区域重要性的抽水能力,在较少情况下,供水只能是局部的且有限的。关键词:地下室,含水层,地下水潜力,水力特性。



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