首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Mother-Tongue Based (MTB) Schooling: A Key for Transforming Early Childhood Education for Future Generation in Nigeria

Mother-Tongue Based (MTB) Schooling: A Key for Transforming Early Childhood Education for Future Generation in Nigeria




The study sought to determine the extent of usage of Igbo Language as a medium of instruction and interaction in the lower basic classes in Enugu North Education Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study. The design was a descriptive survey. The population consisted of 2069 teachers (198 Head teachers and 1,871 Classroom teachers) in Enugu North Education zone of Enugu state, public and private schools inclusive. The sample was 200 teachers (50 Head teachers and 150 Class teachers) drawn from the population using stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was researchers developed questionnaire titled “Mother-Tongue Based Schooling Questionnaire” (MTBSQ) which was face validated by experts in Igbo Language and Measurement and Evaluation from Federal College of Education, Kotangora, Niger State. The reliability estimate of MTBSQ established using Pearson’s co-efficient formula was 0.86. Findings indicated very low extent of the use of mother tongue (Igbo Language) as a medium of instruction and interaction; schools and parents preferred the use of English Language (L2) as a medium of instruction and interaction; and indigenous materials and textbooks in mother tongue were not available or used for instruction. By educational implication, this is a negation of the National policy stipulation on the usage of mother-tongue for instruction in Nigerian schools. The researchers therefore recommended that Government should lay emphasis on total implementation of the National Policy on Education with particular reference to usage of mother-tongue as a medium of instruction in pre-primary and primary schools in Nigeria. Also, parents and care-givers should be educated on the need for them to interact with children in their mother-tongue.
机译:该研究试图确定在尼日利亚埃努古州恩努古北教育区较低的基础班级中,使用伊博语作为教学和互动媒介的程度。四个研究问题指导了研究。设计是描述性调查。人口包括在Enugu州Enugu North教育区,包括公立和私立学校在内的2069名教师(198名班主任和1871名课堂老师)。样本是使用分层随机抽样技术从总体中抽取的200名教师(50名班主任和150名班主任)。用于数据收集的工具是研究人员开发的名为“基于母语的学校问卷调查表”(MTBSQ)的调查表,该表盘已得到尼日尔州Kotangora联邦教育学院的伊博语以及测量与评估专家的验证。使用Pearson系数公式建立的MTBSQ的可靠性估计为0.86。调查结果表明,母语(伊博语)作为教学和互动的媒介的程度非常低;学校和家长更喜欢使用英语(L2)作为教学和互动的媒介;母语的母语材料和教科书不存在或没有用于教学。从教育意义上讲,这是对在尼日利亚学校中使用母语进行教学的国家政策规定的否定。因此,研究人员建议政府应将重点放在《国家教育政策》的全面实施上,特别要提到在尼日利亚的学前和小学中使用母语作为教学语言的情况。此外,还应教育父母和照顾者,让他们了解在母语中与孩子互动的必要性。



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