首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Enam Medical College >Management of OPC and Carbamate Poisoning in Intensive Care Unit of Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Dhaka

Management of OPC and Carbamate Poisoning in Intensive Care Unit of Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Dhaka




Background : Bangladesh is an agriculture-dependent country. Organophosphorus insecticides are widely used for the better outcome of cultivation. It is used for suicidal purpose due to its easy availability all over the country. Worldwide, acute pesticide poisoning is causing major health problems with high mortality in developing countries. Objective : The objective of our study was to establish that early management of acute poisoning with organophosphorus and carbamate in ICU along with ventilatory support in severe respiratory distress reduces the mortality rate. Materials and Methods : This study was conducted in the Department of Anesthesiology & ICU in Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Dhaka from January 2013 to December 2015. Total 84 patients with acute poisoning cases were selected. The diagnosis was confirmed by the history of ingestion of insecticides, observing clinical signs and symptoms and presence of foul smelling of poisonous agent. Management included supportive care, intubation, artificial ventilation in selective cases, administration of antidotes as loading and maintenance dose for atropinization with atropine and pralidoxime, antibiotics, anti-ulcerant, anticonvulsant, inotropic support (in severe hypotension) along with other symptomatic treatment. After stabilization, decontamination was started with removal of contaminated clothes, thorough wash with soap and water, irrigation of eyes with water and normal saline. Gastric lavage was given within 2 to 3 hours of ingestion of poison. Results : Acute poisoning was observed more in male (60.71%) than in female (39.29%) and in age group of 21–40 years (60.71%). Suicidal attempt was present in 97.61% cases and causes of suicidal poisoning were familial disharmony (76.19%), financial loss (14.28%) and failure in examination (9.52%). Organophosphate group poison ingestion was in 77.38% cases and carbamate group poison in 21.43% and both agents in 1.19% cases. Ventilatory support was given in 48.80% cases and 78.05% patients were successfully extubated from mechanical ventilator. Mean duration of ventilatory support was 2–14 days. Out of 84 patients, 75 (89.28%) survived and 9 (10.72%) patients expired. Fifty two (61.91%) patients were discharged within 4–6 days, 16 (19.04%) within 2–3 days, and 7 (8.33%) patients were discharged within 7–14 days. Conclusion : Early ICU admission and appropriate management of patients after ingestion of poisonous agent results in reduced morbidity and mortality. J Enam Med Col 2018; 8(3): 144-152.
机译:背景:孟加拉国是一个依赖农业的国家。有机磷杀虫剂被广泛用于更好的栽培效果。由于其在全国范围内的可用性,它被用作自杀目的。在世界范围内,急性农药中毒在发展中国家引起严重的健康问题,死亡率很高。目的:我们的研究目的是建立重症监护病房中ICU有机磷和氨基甲酸酯急性中毒的早期处理以及严重呼吸窘迫的通气支持,以降低死亡率。材料和方法:本研究在麻醉学和麻醉学系进行。依南医学院的ICU从2013年1月至2015年12月,在达卡萨瓦尔的医院。共选择了84例急性中毒患者。确诊是通过摄入杀虫剂的历史,观察到的临床体征和症状以及是否有恶臭的有毒物质来证实的。管理包括支持治疗,插管,选择性病例的人工通气,使用解毒剂作为负荷量和维持剂量,以与阿托品和普利多肟进行阿托品化,抗生素,抗溃疡,抗惊厥,正性肌力疗法(严重低血压)以及其他对症治疗。稳定后,开始消毒工作,先脱去污染的衣服,用肥皂和水彻底清洗,再用水和生理盐水冲洗眼睛。摄入毒物后2至3小时内应洗胃。结果:男性(60.71%)和21-40岁年龄组(60.71%)的急性中毒发生率高于女性(39.29%)。 97.61%的案例中有自杀企图,自杀中毒的原因有家族不和谐(76.19%),经济损失(14.28%)和检查失败(9.52%)。摄入有机磷酸盐组的毒物占77.38%,氨基甲酸酯组的毒物占21.43%,两种药剂的占1.19%。通气支持率为48.80%,机械通气成功者为78.05%。通气支持的平均持续时间为2-14天。 84名患者中,有75名(89.28%)存活,9名(10.72%)患者死亡。五到四(62.91%)名患者在4-6天内出院,十六名(19.04%)在2-3天内出院,七名(8.33%)的患者在7-14天内出院。结论:早期ICU入院和摄入有毒物质后对患者进行适当管理可降低发病率和死亡率。 J Enam Med Col 2018; 8(3):144-152。



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