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Hyperreflexia ? an Uncommon Presentation of Guillain-Barré Syndrome




Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acquired acute autoimmune polyradiculoneuropathy. Progressive motor weakness and areflexia are essential for diagnosis. But in some cases hyperreflexia can be seen. Diagnosis of GBS was made based on history and clinical findings and was supported by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) studies and nerve conduction study (NCS). We hereby report a case of a 42-year-old male presenting with acute onset flaccid quadriparesis. There was frank hyperreflexia in all four limbs. Although reflex preservation and hyperreflexia can be noted in axonal variant of GBS in Chinese, Japanese, and European populations, it is uncommon in India.J Enam Med Col 2017; 7(2): 111-112
机译:格林-巴利综合征(GBS)是一种获得性急性自身免疫性多发性神经根神经病。进行性运动无力和反射减弱对于诊断至关重要。但是在某些情况下可以看到反射亢进。 GBS的诊断基于病史和临床发现,并得到脑脊液(CSF)研究和神经传导研究(NCS)的支持。我们在此报告一例42岁男性,表现为急性发作性弛缓性四肢瘫痪。四肢均存在明显的反射亢进。尽管在中国人,日本人和欧洲人的GBS轴突变体中都可以看到反射保存和反射亢进,但在印度并不常见.J Enam Med Col 2017; 7(2):111-112



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