首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Enam Medical College >Diagnosis of Ovary-Containing Indirect Inguinal Hernia of the Canal of Nuck by Ultrasound

Diagnosis of Ovary-Containing Indirect Inguinal Hernia of the Canal of Nuck by Ultrasound




In women, the round ligament is attached to the uterus near the origin of the fallopian tube, and a small evagination of parietal peritoneum accompanies the round ligament through the inguinal canal to the labium majorum. This small evagination of parietal peritoneum, named the canal of Nuck in women, is the equivalent of the processus vaginalis in men. Incomplete obliteration of the processus vaginalis causes indirect inguinal hernia or hydrocele of the canal of Nuck, a very rare condition in women. Here, we report a case of ovary-containing hernia of the canal of Nuck that was diagnosed with ultrasonography and was surgically confirmed. Gray scale and color Doppler ultrasonographic features studied were: the site and the size of the hernia, the texture of the hernia contents and the presence or absence of blood flow in the hernia contents.J Enam Med Col 2017; 7(1): 39-41
机译:在女性中,圆韧带附着在输卵管起点附近的子宫上,并且圆韧带通过腹股沟管到达大阴唇,伴有少量的顶叶腹膜外翻。顶叶腹膜的这种小的排卵,在女性中称为纳克管,相当于男性的阴道过程。阴道过程的不完全闭塞会导致间接腹股沟疝或Nuck运河的鞘膜积水,这在女性中非常罕见。在这里,我们报告一例经超声检查诊断并经手术证实的纳克管含卵巢疝的病例。研究的灰度和彩色多普勒超声特征为:疝的部位和大小,疝内容物的质地以及疝内容物中是否存在血流.J Enam Med Col 2017; 7(1):39-41



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