首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Culture, Society and Development >Socio-Cultural Aspects of Traditional Arts: Performing Related to “Bersih Desa” Ceremony and It’s Effect on the Development of Cultural Tourism Assets at Gantiwarno Sub-District, Klaten Regency

Socio-Cultural Aspects of Traditional Arts: Performing Related to “Bersih Desa” Ceremony and It’s Effect on the Development of Cultural Tourism Assets at Gantiwarno Sub-District, Klaten Regency

机译:传统艺术的社会文化方面:与“ Bersih Desa”仪式有关的表演及其对克拉登摄政区甘蒂瓦诺区文化旅游资产发展的影响



The qualitative research taken place in some villages in Gantiwarno Sub-district was conducted to understand: 1) How the traditional art performance connected with “Bersih Desa” tradition was conducted, 2) What sociological and cultural aspects could be known from the traditional event of “Bersih Desa”, 3) What was the unique of the “Bersih Desa” cultural event connected with the development of cultural tourism asset.By applying depth interview, observation, and document analysis, data were collected from three kinds of data resources.The results of the research showed that: 1) The traditional art performance connected with “bersih desa” tradition was conducted differently among the communities of some villages. In the community of “irigasi teknis” agricultural area, “wayang kulit” art performance was conducted. But in the community of “tadhah hujan” agricultural area, the “tayub” dance was conducted in connection with “bersih desa” traditional ceremony, 2) The socio-cultural aspects of the “bersih desa” tradition and of the art performance of it varied, i.g. social stratification, social mobility, cultural pattern of mistic faith, and simbolic identity, 3) In accordance with the development of cultural tourism asset, the cultural event of “nyadran Sendang Banyu Urip could be recommended to develop.The event of nyadran Sendang Banyu Urip had some uniques, such as: jathilan art was always performed in this event, the nature of sendang location was proper to be created as a natural and cultural object of tourism.
机译:在Gantiwarno街道的一些村庄进行了定性研究,以了解:1)如何进行与“ Bersih Desa”传统相关的传统艺术表演; 2)从传统事件中可以了解哪些社会学和文化方面的知识“ Bersih Desa”,3)与文化旅游资产发展相关的“ Bersih Desa”文化活动的独特之处。通过深度访谈,观察和文献分析,从三种数据资源中收集了数据。研究结果表明:1)与“ bersih desa”传统相关的传统艺术表演在一些村庄的社区之间进行的方式有所不同。在“ irigasi teknis”农业区的社区中,进行了“ wayang kulit”艺术表演。但是在“ tadhah hujan”农业区的社区中,“ tayub”舞是与“ bersih desa”传统仪式相关的,2)“ bersih desa”传统的社会文化方面及其艺术表现各种社会分层,社会流动,迷信信仰的文化模式和象征认同,3)根据文化旅游资产的发展,可以建议开展“ nyadran仙堂半鱼U”的文化活动。它具有一些独特之处,例如:在此活动中始终执行贾地兰艺术,仙台所处位置的性质适合作为旅游业的自然和文化对象来创造。



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