首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Dalmatian archaeology and history: Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku >Unpublished Military Fibulae from the Middle Roman Imperial Period kept in the Archaeological Museum in Split

Unpublished Military Fibulae from the Middle Roman Imperial Period kept in the Archaeological Museum in Split




Due to military movements and repositioning of the military troops, one of the main characteristics ofthe fi bulae used as a part of military equipment is their wide area of distribution. That is precisely whythe Aucissa fi bulae type that was worn by soldiers has been present in all of the Roman provincessince the late 1st century BC.In the fi rst half of the 1st century AD, this role was taken by the well-defi ned fi bulae that areconsidered to have developed from the late La Tene forms, but whose origin and development of thevariants has still not been clarifi ed. Knee-shaped fi bulae appeared in the late 1st century and lastedall through the 2nd and 3rd century, appearing even in the early 4th century. Late Imperial fi bula thatwould take place of all the other types was a crossbow fi bula.The Salona example (cat. no. 1) belongs to the B?hme 27 type, variant 27a, and according to thebasic characteristics, it belongs to the two-part bow-shaped fi bulae with spiral construction. Salonaexample diff ers from the basic type in the form of the head plate.Pprobably a series of fi bulae existedwithin the same type. It is important to emphasize that this example belongs to the group connectedto the fi nds in the western provinces of the Empire.B?hme 27 type examples can be found in large numbers in the area of German – Raeitan Limes,they become rare towards the east.Second Salona example (cat. no. 2) is characterised by a long cover of the hinge with thehexagonal cross-section that has a sculpturally defi ned rib on each side and slightly thicker endings.According to the typological classifi cation of A. B?hme, they belong to the type 30. They are dated inthe late 2nd and early 3rd century, and the examples similar to ours could be found in the Limes region,which assumes military usage.Fibulae with long cover of the hinge that have twice rectangle bended arch (B?hme 29) aredated in the same period. Fibula with catalogue no three belongs to this group. Nevertheless, it stilldiff ers from the fi bulae characteristic for this group in some details. Primarily, decoration in a formof an animal head placed on the part of the arch that bends towards the leg, has been replaced by adecoration in a shape of a ball, part of the arch close to the leg is wrapped in wire, and the arch diff ersbecause the middle part is hollow and inscription was probably placed there. The letters have notbeen preserved, but some remains in the corners could be parts of the letters. The same example iskept in Cologne and it carries the legend VTERE FELIX, which was probably the same for our exampleas well. It has one more peculiarity and that is the pelta-like shape of the head plate. This kind can befound with the so-called Pelta fi bulae that correspond to our fi bulae in time, area and origin.The beginning of the 2nd century was characterized by the Dacian wars, while the end ofthe same century was characterized by the Marcomanni wars that led to the reconstruction ofSalona walls. It is diffi cult to say whether this material witnesses the military expeditions causedby that event. Namely, Salona did not have permanent army troops situated there, but they wouldtemporarily come during the immediate danger, and after that, they would retrieve into their basecamps. Inscriptions from Salona dating from 170 AD witness that the parts of the walls and towerswere built by the soldiers of the 1st Delmati cohort led by the tribune Granius Fortunatus and thedetachments of the 2nd and 3rd legion led by the centurion Publius Emilius Amintianus. These twolegions were established in 165 during the rule of Marcus Aurelius (161 – 180). They stayed in Salonaduring Marcomannian danger, that is the time when all the fi bulae discussed in this paper were used,and may have been left as a testimony of this legions’ stay in Salona.
机译:由于军事运动和军队的重新安置,用作军事装备一部分的腓骨的主要特征之一是分布广泛。这就是为什么自公元前一世纪末以来在所有罗马省份都出现了士兵佩戴的Aucissa腓骨类型的原因。在公元一世纪前半叶,这一角色由行之有效的被认为是从晚La Tene形态发育而来的鳞茎,但其变种的起源和发育仍未弄清。膝状腓骨出现于1世纪晚期,持续到2世纪和3世纪,甚至出现在4世纪初期。后来将要发生的所有其他类型的帝王型was是was弓型。Salona示例(目录号1)属于Bhhme 27类型,变体27a,根据基本特征,它属于具有螺旋结构的两部分式弓形腓骨。 Salonaexample与头盖形式的基本类型有所不同。同一类型中可能存在一系列腓骨。需要强调的是,这个例子属于与帝国西部各省有关的团体。在德国-Raeitan Limes地区可以发现大量的27个典型例子,这些例子在莱姆(Leeitan Limes)地区变得罕见。萨洛纳(Salona)的第二个例子(目录号2)的特点是铰链的外盖很长,横截面为六边形,每侧都有雕刻定义的肋骨,尾部稍厚。根据A的类型分类。 B?hme,它们属于30型。它们的历史可追溯到2世纪末和3世纪初。在我们的类似例子中,可以发现Limes地区具有军事用途。在同一时期,两次矩形弯拱(B?hme 29)都过时了。目录编号为3的腓骨属于该组。尽管如此,它在某些细节上仍与该组的腓骨特征有所不同。首先,以动物头形式的装饰放在拱形的朝腿弯曲的部分上,已由球形的装饰代替,靠近腿的拱形部分用金属丝包裹,拱形之所以不同,是因为中间部分是空心的,并且可能在其中放置了铭文。字母没有被保存,但是角落里的一些遗物可能是字母的一部分。相同的示例保存在科隆,并且带有图例VTERE FELIX,该示例也可能与此相同。它还有一个特点,那就是头板的像骨一样的形状。这种类型可以通过与我们的腓骨在时间,区域和起源上相对应的所谓的腓骨腓骨来发现。2世纪初以达契安战争为特征,而同一世纪末以马可曼尼战争为特征导致了Salona墙的重建。很难说这些材料是否见证了这一事件引起的军事远征。即,萨罗纳(Salona)在那儿没有常驻部队,但他们会在迫在眉睫的危险中临时来临,此后,他们将回到自己的大本营。萨罗纳(Salona)的铭文可以追溯到公元170年,其墙壁和塔楼的部分是由格拉纳乌斯·福图纳图斯(Granius Fortunatus)带领的第一代尔马蒂(Delmati)队列士兵以及百夫利乌斯·埃米利乌斯·阿米利努斯(Publius Emilius Amintianus)领导的第二,第三军团的支队建造的。这两个军团是在马库斯·奥雷留斯(Marcus Aurelius)统治期间(165 – 180)于165年建立的。他们在马可曼式危险中停留在萨洛纳(Salonad)危险时期,那是使用本文中讨论的所有腓骨的时候,并且可能被留下来证明这支军团在萨洛纳的停留。



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