首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computational biology >Analysis of Metabolic Evolution in Bacteria Using Whole-Genome Metabolic Models

Analysis of Metabolic Evolution in Bacteria Using Whole-Genome Metabolic Models




Abstract Recent advances in the automation of metabolic model reconstruction have led to the availability of draft-quality metabolic models (predicted reaction complements) for multiple bacterial species. These reaction complements can be considered as trait representations and can be used for ancestral state reconstruction to infer the most likely metabolic complements of common ancestors of all bacteria with generated metabolic models. We present here an ancestral state reconstruction for 141 extant bacteria and analyze the reaction gains and losses for these bacteria with respect to their lifestyles and pathogenic nature. A simulated annealing approach is used to look at coordinated metabolic gains and losses in two bacteria. The main losses of Onion yellows phytoplasma OY-M, an obligate intracellular pathogen, are shown (as expected) to be in cell wall biosynthesis. The metabolic gains made by Clostridium difficile CD196 in adapting to its current habitat in the human colon is also analyzed. Our analy..." /> rel="meta" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2013.0079" /> rel="meta" type="application/rdf+json" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2013.0079" /> rel="meta" type="application/unixref+xml" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2013.0079" /> 展开▼
机译:摘要代谢模型重建自动化的最新进展已导致可用于多种细菌的高质量草图模型(预测的反应补体)的可用性。这些反应补体可被视为性状表征,并可用于祖先状态重建,以利用生成的代谢模型推断所有细菌的共同祖先最可能的代谢补体。我们在这里介绍了141种现存细菌的祖先状态重建,并分析了这些细菌在生活方式和致病性方面的反应得失。模拟退火方法用于查看两种细菌的​​代谢代谢协调性。洋葱黄质原浆OY-M(一种专性的细胞内病原体)的主要损失显示(如预期的那样)在细胞壁生物合成中。还分析了艰难梭菌CD196在适应其目前在人类结肠中的栖息地时所获得的代谢增益。我们的分析...“ /> rel =“ meta” type =“ application / atom + xml” href =“ http:// dx .doi.org / 10.1089%2Fcmb.2013.0079“ /> rel =” meta“ type =” applicati on / rdf + json“ href =” http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2013.0079“ /> rel =” meta“ type =” application / unixref + xml“ href =” http:// dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2013.0079“ /> <元名称=” MSSmartTagsPreventParsing“ content =” true



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