首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computational biology >On the Genealogy of Asexual Diploids

On the Genealogy of Asexual Diploids




Abstract Given molecular genetic data from diploid individuals that, at present, reproduce mostly or exclusively asexually without recombination, an important problem in evolutionary biology is detecting evidence of past sexual reproduction (i.e., meiosis and mating) and recombination (both meiotic and mitotic). However, currently there is a lack of computational tools for carrying out such a study. In this article, we formulate a new problem of reconstructing diploid genealogies under the assumption of no sexual reproduction or recombination, with the ultimate goal being to devise genealogy-based tools for testing deviation from these assumptions. We first consider the infinite-sites model of mutation and develop linear-time algorithms to test the existence of an asexual diploid genealogy compatible with the infinite-sites model of mutation, and to construct one if it exists. In this ideal case, our chance of detecting signatures of past sexual reproduction is maximized. Then, we relax the infinite-sites..." /> rel="meta" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2010.0270" /> rel="meta" type="application/rdf+json" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2010.0270" /> rel="meta" type="application/unixref+xml" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2010.0270" /> 展开▼
机译:摘要根据目前来自二倍体个体的分子遗传数据,这些数据目前大部分或仅无性繁殖而无重组,进化生物学中的一个重要问题是检测过往性繁殖(即减数分裂和交配)和重组(减数分裂和有丝分裂)的证据。但是,目前缺乏进行这种研究的计算工具。在本文中,我们提出了在没有性繁殖或重组的前提下重建二倍体谱系的新问题,其最终目标是设计基于族谱的工具来测试与这些假设的偏差。我们首先考虑突变的无限位点模型,并开发线性时间算法以测试与突变的无限位点模型兼容的无性二倍体家谱的存在,并构造一个(如果存在的话)。在这种理想情况下,我们发现过去性繁殖特征的机会将最大化。然后,我们放松无限站点...“ /> <元名称=“ dc.Identifier” scheme =“ publisher-id” content =“ 10.1089 / cmb.2010.0270” /> <元名称=“ dc.Identifier” scheme =“ doi”内容=“ 10.1089 / cmb.2010.0270” /> <元名称=“ dc.Source” content =“ http://www.liebertpub.com/cmb” /> <元名称=“ dc。语言” content =“ zh-CN” /> <元名称=”关键字“ content =”组合文库,遗传变异,单倍型,蛋白质结构,序列分析“ /> rel =” meta“ type =” application / atom + xml“ href =” http: //dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2010.0270“ /> rel =” meta“ type =” ap plication / rdf + json“ href =” http://dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2010.0270“ /> rel =” meta“ type =” application / unixref + xml“ href =” http:// dx.doi.org/10.1089%2Fcmb.2010.0270“ /> <元名称=” MSSmartTagsPreventParsing“ content =” true



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