首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chinese Sociology >Practising and displaying xiao—young mothers’ negotiations of obligations to elders

Practising and displaying xiao—young mothers’ negotiations of obligations to elders

机译:练习并显示 xiao -年轻母亲对长者义务的谈判



Abstract This article explores young Chinese women’s attitudes to and practices of filial piety in northern China. It applies the concept of ‘family practices’ and ‘displaying family’ to the Chinese context through the link between xiao and mianzi . Drawing upon in-depth interviews with 34 young mothers, I analyse their narratives to explain how and why filial obligations to their ageing parents matter to them. I first outline how filial obligation is practised through a wide range of activities, before arguing that being filial is not enough: displaying xiao is critical to their own and the elders’ face and establishing themselves as good, filial daughters and daughters-in-law. By bringing western and Chinese concepts into dialogue with each other, this study contributes to evaluating the continued changes in Chinese families.
机译:摘要本文探讨了中国北方年轻女性对孝道的态度和习俗。通过“笑”与“面子”之间的联系,将“家庭习俗”和“展示家庭”的概念应用于中国语境。通过对34位年轻母亲的深入访谈,我分析了他们的叙述,以解释对年迈的父母的孝顺义务如何以及为什么对他们产生影响。首先,我概述了如何通过各种各样的活动来履行孝顺义务,然后争论孝顺是远远不够的:孝敬对自己和长辈的面貌至关重要,并确立自己是孝顺的孝顺儿女和daughter妇的本领。 。通过将中西方观念彼此对话,本研究有助于评估中国家庭的持续变化。



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