首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Conservative Dentistry >Stress distribution of posts on the endodontically treated teeth with and without bone height augmentation: A three-dimensional finite element analysis

Stress distribution of posts on the endodontically treated teeth with and without bone height augmentation: A three-dimensional finite element analysis




Aims:Adequate bone support is an essential factor to avoid undue stress to the tooth. This is important when the tooth is endodontically treated and requires a post. The purpose of the present finite element (FE) analysis study was to evaluate the stress distribution of post on endodontically treated tooth with reduced alveolar bone height support and after bone augmentation. The null hypothesis was that there is no difference between the stress distribution of post on endodontically treated teeth with reduced alveolar bone height support and after alveolar bone height augmented using bone graft substitute.Materials and Methods:The three-dimensional model was fabricated using ANSYS Workbench version 13.0 software to represent an endodontically treated mandibular second premolar restored with a full ceramic crown restoration and was analyzed using FE analysis. A load of 300N at an angle of 60° to the vertical was applied to the triangular ridge of the buccal cusp in a buccolingual plane. The stresses on the tooth with normal alveolar bone height, reduced alveolar bone height, and after bone augmentation because of reduced bone height were calculated using von misses stresses.Results:A maximum stress value of 136.04 MPa was observed in dentin with an alveolar bone height of 4 mm from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). However, after 2 mm of alveolar bone augmentation, the stress value was 104.32 MPa, which was comparable to the stress value of 105.56 observed with the normal bone height of 2 mm from the CEJ.Conclusion:Similar values of stresses were observed in teeth with normal and augmented bone height. Increased stresses were observed with alveolar bone loss of 4 mm from the CEJ.
机译:目的:充足的骨骼支撑是避免对牙齿施加过大压力的必要因素。当对牙齿进行牙髓治疗并需要桩时,这一点很重要。目前的有限元(FE)分析研究的目的是评估牙槽骨高度支撑降低的牙髓治疗牙齿上和后牙增大后牙柱的应力分布。零假设是牙槽骨高度支撑减少的牙髓治疗牙齿上的牙柱应力分布与使用植骨替代物增加牙槽骨高度后的应力分布没有差异。材料与方法:使用ANSYS Workbench制作三维模型13.0版软件代表使用完全陶瓷牙冠修复体进行牙髓治疗的下颌第二前磨牙修复,并使用FE分析进行了分析。在颊舌平面中,将与垂直方向成60°的300N的载荷施加到颊尖的三角脊上。使用von misss应力计算了正常牙槽骨高度,牙槽骨高度降低以及因骨高降低而导致的骨增加后牙齿的应力。结果:牙槽骨高度高的牙本质的最大应力值为136.04 MPa距牙釉质牙釉质交界处(CEJ)4 mm。然而,在2 mm的牙槽骨充盈后,应力值为104.32 MPa,与从CEJ到正常骨骼高度为2 mm时观察到的应力值为105.56相当。正常和增加的骨高。从CEJ观察到应力增加,牙槽骨丢失4毫米。



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