首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computer sciences >Computation of Private Key Based on Divide-By-Prime for Luc Cryptosystems | Science Publications

Computation of Private Key Based on Divide-By-Prime for Luc Cryptosystems | Science Publications




> Problem statement: One of the public key cryptosystem is Luc cryptosystems. This system used Lucas Function for encryption and decryption process. Lucas Function is a special form of second-order linear recurrence relation. An encyption process is used to encrypt an original message to ciphertext by using public key. A decryption process is the process to decrypt a ciphertext into original message using private key. The existing algorithm on computing private key computation involved some redundant computations. Approach: In this study, an efficient algorithm to compute private key for Luc cryptosystem is developed. The Extended Euclidean Algorithm will be enhanced by implementing Divide-By-Prime in its computations. The comparison is focused on the computation time by the existing and new algorithms. The more efficient algorithm means the better computation time. The shorter computation time the better algorithm. Results: A new algorithm shows better computation time. In all experiments, the computation time by new algorithm is always better than the existing algorithm. Conclusion: The new computation algorithm that based on Divide-By-Prime provided better efficiency of decryption process compared to the existing algorithm.
机译: > 问题陈述:公钥密码系统之一是Luc密码系统。该系统使用Lucas Function进行加密和解密过程。 Lucas函数是二阶线性递归关系的一种特殊形式。加密过程用于通过使用公共密钥将原始消息加密为密文。解密过程是使用私钥将密文解密为原始消息的过程。现有的计算私钥计算的算法涉及一些冗余计算。 方法:在这项研究中,开发了一种有效的算法来计算Luc密码系统的私钥。扩展欧几里得算法将通过在其计算中实现逐个基数来增强。比较的重点是现有算法和新算法的计算时间。算法越有效,意味着计算时间越长。计算时间越短,算法越好。 结果:一种新算法显示了更好的计算时间。在所有实验中,新算法的计算时间总是比现有算法好。 结论:与现有算法相比,基于Divide-By-Prime的新计算算法提供了更好的解密过程效率。



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