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Journal of Business and Financial Affairs: Reasons to be an Open Access Journal




We, as academic researchers, are often frustrated with the difficulty or inconvenience of obtaining articles from some websites or libraries due to the lack of subscriptions. Also, we are reluctant to hand the copyrights of our research articles to the publishers who otherwise wont publish them. These are the problems. The academic community is aware of these problems. Some universities or academic communities have pushed for an open access model that authors retain all copyrights of their published work and provide free and open access to all users. Open access provides a rapid dissemination of research. The papers published in Open Access journals will be read by more people and consequently have more impact than the ones available only to paid subscribers.
机译:作为学术研究人员,我们经常因缺乏订阅而对从某些网站或图书馆获取文章的困难或不便感到沮丧。另外,我们不愿意将研究文章的版权交给出版商,否则出版商将不会发表这些著作。这些就是问题。学术界已经意识到了这些问题。一些大学或学术团体一直在倡导一种开放访问模型,该模型的作者保留其已发表作品的所有版权,并向所有用户提供免费开放访问。开放获取可快速传播研究成果。在Open Access期刊上发表的论文将被更多的人阅读,因此比仅付费订阅者可获得的影响更大。



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