首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business & Financial Affairs >Impact of Outsourcing on Productivity in Bakery Industry, Abakaliki Metropolis

Impact of Outsourcing on Productivity in Bakery Industry, Abakaliki Metropolis




Management of bakery industry is under pressure of stakeholders to increase equity value. Consumers of bread in Abakaliki Metropolis regret the soaring unit price of the product which managers attribute to increasing cost of outsourcing which result from inflationary economic system. The major objective of this study is to determine the general impact of labour outsourcing on productivity of bakery industries in the area. Three hypotheses were formulated to measure the relationship between outsourcing and operational labour cost, reject bread manufacture and operational time of production. This study was based on Transaction Cost Economics theory propounded by Oliver Williamson (1975). The theory stresses the need for decisions to be made such that it generates economically efficient outcomes. Research instrument adopted was questionnaire. Spearman’s correlation was used in data analysis. Results indicate that outsourcing increases the level of efficient production by reducing the operational labour cost and labour time while minimizing the quantity of bread rejects. It is therefore recommended that management of bread industry in the city should intensify outsourcing as a means of reducing unit price of bread and promote Transaction Cost Economics decision for greater productivity.
机译:烘焙行业的管理承受着利益相关者增加股权价值的压力。 Abakaliki Metropolis的面包消费者对产品价格飞涨感到遗憾,管理者将其归因于通货膨胀的经济体系导致的外包成本增加。这项研究的主要目的是确定劳动力外包对该地区烘焙行业生产率的总体影响。提出了三个假设来衡量外包与运营人工成本,拒绝面包生产与生产运营时间之间的关系。这项研究基于奥利弗·威廉姆森(Oliver Williamson,1975)提出的交易成本经济学理论。该理论强调需要做出决策,以使其产生经济上有效的结果。采用的研究工具是问卷。 Spearman的相关性用于数据分析。结果表明,外包可通过减少运营人工成本和人工时间,同时减少面包渣的数量来提高有效生产水平。因此,建议该市的面包业管理部门应加强外包,以降低面包的单价,并促进交易成本经济学的决策,以提高生产率。



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