首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation >Design of the Telescope Truss and Gondola for the Balloon-Borne X-ray Polarimeter X-Calibur

Design of the Telescope Truss and Gondola for the Balloon-Borne X-ray Polarimeter X-Calibur




X-ray polarimetry has seen a growing interest in recent years. Improvements in detector technology and focusing X-ray optics now enable sensitive astrophysical X-ray polarization measurements. These measurements will provide new insights into the processes at work in accreting black holes, the emission of X-rays from neutron stars and magnetars, and the structure of AGN jets. X-Calibur is a balloon-borne hard X-ray scattering polarimeter. An X-ray mirror with a focal length of 8m focuses X-rays onto the detector, which consists of a plastic scattering element surrounded by Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride detectors, which absorb and record the scattered X-rays. Since X-rays preferentially scatter perpendicular to their polarization direction, the polarization properties of an X-ray beam can be inferred from the azimuthal distribution of scattered X-rays. A close alignment of the X-ray focal spot with the center of the detector is required in order to reduce systematic uncertainties and to maintain a high photon det...
机译:近年来,X射线极化仪已引起越来越多的关注。检测器技术的改进和聚焦X射线光学器件现在使灵敏的天体X射线偏振测量成为可能。这些测量将提供有关工作中黑洞积聚,中子星和磁星发出的X射线以及AGN射流的结构的新见解。 X-Calibur是气球式硬X射线散射旋光仪。焦距为8m的X射线镜将X射线聚焦到检测器上,该检测器由被Cdmium-Zinc-Telluride检测器包围的塑料散射元件组成,该吸收器吸收并记录散射的X射线。由于X射线优先于垂直于其偏振方向的方向散射,因此可以从散射的X射线的方位角分布推断出X射线束的偏振特性。为了减少系统不确定性并保持较高的光子检测率,需要将X射线焦点与检测器中心紧密对准。



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