首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Botany >Genome Size Variation inMalusSpecies

Genome Size Variation inMalusSpecies




The nuclear DNA content for 256 different accessions belonging to 26 primaryMalusspecies and 20 species hybrids was estimated by flow cytometry using propidium iodide. Diploids ranged from 1.245 (M. tschonoskii) to 1.653  pg per 2C nucleus (M. florentina). As our study covered complete phylogenetic and geographic representation, preliminary conclusions between nuclear DNA content and geographical and taxonomic features could be drawn. The data indicated that species found far from the centre of origin in Asia clustered into separate sections and series and possessed higher DNA content. These areM. trilobataandM. florentinathe only two species existing in South-East Europe on one hand;M. ioensisand 3x and 4x speciesM.×heterophylla, M.×platycarpa, M. glaucescens, M. angustifolia, M. lancifoliaandM. coronaria—in East and Central North America on the other hand. A significantly decreased 1Cx DNA content was observed with the increase in ploidy for six species.
机译:使用碘化丙啶通过流式细胞术估算了属于26个主要Malus种和20种杂种的256个不同种质的核DNA含量。二倍体的范围为每2C核(弗洛伦梭氏菌)从1.245(M. tschonoskii)到1.653 pg。由于我们的研究涵盖了完整的系统发育和地理学表征,因此可以得出核DNA含量与地理和生物分类学特征之间的初步结论。数据表明,远离亚洲起源中心发现的物种聚集成不同的部分和系列,并具有较高的DNA含量。这些是M。三叶虫一方面是东南欧仅存的两个物种; ioensis和3x和4x物种M.xheterophylla,M.xplatycarpa,M.glaucescens,M.angustifolia,M.lancifoliaandM。科罗纳里亚-另一方面,在北美东部和中部。六个物种的倍性增加,观察到1Cx DNA含量显着下降。



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