首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biological Control >Natural Enemies of Mulberry Pyralid, Glyphodes pyloalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in Temperate Climate of Kashmir

Natural Enemies of Mulberry Pyralid, Glyphodes pyloalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in Temperate Climate of Kashmir

机译:克什米尔温带气候中的桑P,Glyphodes pyloalis Walker(鳞翅目:Pyralidae)的天敌



The incidence of natural enemies on the mulberry pyralid, Glyphodes (=Margaronia) pyloalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) infesting mulberry crop was studied at Pampore, Kashmir during 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons. Five hymenopteran parasitoids including three braconids (Apanteles obliquae Wilkinson, Bracon hebetor Say and Chelonus carbonator Marshall) and two ichneumonids (Pristomerus sulci Mahdihassan and Kolubajiv and Xanthopimpla sp.) were found to parasitize the larvae. Two predators, viz. Tetragnatha sp. (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) and Philodromus sp. (Araneae: Philodromidae) were also recorded. The activity of these natural enemies was observed from July to October in the cropping period spread over May-October.
机译:在2008年和2009年的种植季节期间,在克什米尔的潘普雷研究了桑蚕吡喃醛,草甘膦(= Margaronia)pyloalis Walker(鳞翅目:Pyralidae)侵染桑crop作物时天敌的发生率。发现五个膜翅类寄生虫,包括三个Braconids(Apanteles obliquae Wilkinson,Bracon hebetor Say和Chelonus碳酸盐化碳酸盐Marshall)和两个ichichmonidids(Pristomerus sulci Mahdihassan和Kolubajiv和Xanthopimpla sp。)寄生。两个捕食者,即。 Tetragnatha sp。 (Araneae:tra科)和Philodromus sp。 (Araneae:费氏科)也被记录。这些天敌的活动在整个5月至10月的种植期中观察到,从7月到10月。



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