首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biorepository Science for Applied Medicine >Can a biobank network and supporting infrastructure enhance Ireland's ability to attract pharmaceutical research and development and clinical trial opportunities? A pilot survey

Can a biobank network and supporting infrastructure enhance Ireland's ability to attract pharmaceutical research and development and clinical trial opportunities? A pilot survey




Ireland has an established reputation in specialized global pharmaceutical manufacturing. However, simple high-volume manufacturing will not sustain the Irish pharmaceutical industry, and government agencies recommend a greater focus on innovation and research and development (R&D). Biobank Ireland Trust sought the views of the Irish pharmaceutical industry on the potential benefits of a national biobank network (NBN), national biobank web portal (NBWP), and center for translational molecular oncologic pathology (CTOP). Questionnaires were sent to 19 companies and eleven responded. Questionnaire A was completed by six companies presently engaged in R&D in Ireland – three pharmaceutical companies, two spin outs, and one contract research organization. Six of six respondents reported that: a NBN would benefit their company; the development of a NBWP was important; and finally, they forecast that the requirement for biobanked material would continue to increase. While three of six predicted that a NBN would facilitate an expansion of current R&D activities. The relative importance of accessing biobanked material and data varied. An associated NBWP was considered essential to enable researchers to rapidly determine the content of the NBN for research, including preclinical studies. Individual companies had requirements for biobanked material from a wide variety of cancer sites, sample types, and sample derivatives. Questionnaire B was completed by five pharmaceutical companies currently not engaged in R&D in Ireland. Four of five reported that a CTOP would benefit their company. All five stated that a CTOP could cultivate industry–academic collaborations. All five also determined that NBN–NBWP–CTOP infrastructure would assist in promoting Ireland as an R&D center. Finally, four of five indicated that an NBN would make Ireland more competitive for new clinical trials. This pilot survey suggests that an NBN with associated infrastructure would greatly facilitate research conducted by the pharmaceutical sector in Ireland.
机译:爱尔兰在专门的全球制药生产中享有声誉。但是,简单的大批量生产将无法维持爱尔兰制药业,因此政府机构建议更加关注创新和研发(R&D)。爱尔兰生物银行信托基金会就国家生物银行网络(NBN),国家生物银行门户网站(NBWP)和转化分子肿瘤病理学中心(CTOP)的潜在利益征询了爱尔兰制药业的意见。问卷被发送到19家公司,有11家答复。问卷A由目前在爱尔兰从事研发的六家公司完成,包括三家制药公司,两家分拆公司和一个合同研究组织。六位受访者中有六位报告说:NBN将使他们的公司受益; NBWP的发展很重要;最后,他们预测对生物储库材料的需求将继续增加。六分之三的人预测,NBN将促进当前R&D活动的扩展。获取生物库材料和数据的相对重要性各不相同。关联的NBWP被认为对使研究人员能够快速确定NBN的内容以进行研究(包括临床前研究)至关重要。各个公司对来自多种癌症部位,样品类型和样品衍生物的生物储备材料有要求。问卷B由五家目前未在爱尔兰从事研发的制药公司完成。五分之四的人报告说,CTOP将使他们的公司受益。所有五个人均表示,CTOP可以促进产学合作。所有这五个国家还确定NBN-NBWP-CTOP基础设施将有助于促进爱尔兰成为研发中心。最后,五分之四的受访者表示,NBN将使爱尔兰在新的临床试验中更具竞争力。这项初步调查表明,具有相关基础设施的NBN将极大地促进爱尔兰制药业的研究。


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