首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare >Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of Selected Maize Inbred Lines with pPZP200 towards Enhancement of Lysine and Methionine Content

Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of Selected Maize Inbred Lines with pPZP200 towards Enhancement of Lysine and Methionine Content




Maize (Zea mays (L.) is one of the most important cereals used both for human and animal consumption in the world. Despite its importance, maize is not a suitable single source of nutrition because it does not provide the essential amino acids lysine and methionine in sufficient quantities to meet the nutritional needs of humans and other animals. Lysine is a necessary building block for protein in the body while methionine is the body’s primary source of sulphur. Strategies to improve the nutritional quality of maize for high lysine and methionine have involved both genetic engineering (GE) and non-genetic engineering approaches such as marker assisted selection. Breeding is however laborious, lengthy and carries along undesired alleles. The objective of this work was to manipulate maize inbred lines towards enhancement of lysine and methionine content in the endosperms through Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Maize kernels mainly store proteins as ?, ?, ? and ? zeins. The immature embryos of three tropical maize inbred lines (TL18, CML216 and CML144) and a temperate line (A188) were transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 carrying an expression cassette designed to up-regulate the Z10 protein for methionine enhancement as well as down-regulate the ? zein storage protein by RNAi. The T-DNA also contained P-zp22/6 as the promoter and the phosphinothricin acetyltransfarase gene (bar) used for selection of transformed tissue. Putative transformants were tested for presence of the transgene by PCR designed to amplify the P-zp22/6 promoter sequence. Calli survival frequencies were calculated as a percentage number of surviving calli in relation to the total number of embryos infected. These ranged from 2.89 % for TL18 to 9.11 % for A188. This data did not detect any significant difference (p>0.05) among the genotypes on the percentage of calli which survived. Transformation efficiency was calculated as a percentage of the number of PCR positive plants divided by the total number of embryos infected. This ranged from 0% for TL18 to 1.83% for A188. The data suggest the possibility of manipulating storage proteins and regenerating normal transgenic maize with normal kernels. Further work should involve gene expression assays for accumulation of ?, ? and ? prolamins in the kernels and southern blot analysis to confirm stable integration and the copy numbers of P-zp22/6 gene in the PCR positive plants. Keywords: RNAi, Z10, Lysine, Methionine, pPZP200
机译:玉米(Zea mays(L.))是世界上用于人类和动物食用的最重要的谷物之一,尽管它很重要,但由于它不能提供赖氨酸和赖氨酸的必需氨基酸,因此也不适合作为单一的营养来源。蛋氨酸的含量足以满足人类和其他动物的营养需求;赖氨酸是体内蛋白质的必需组成部分,蛋氨酸是人体中硫的主要来源;提高赖氨酸和蛋氨酸的玉米营养质量的策略已得到解决。该研究涉及基因工程(GE)和非基因工程方法(例如标记辅助选择),但育种费力,冗长且带有不希望的等位基因,目的是操纵玉米自交系以提高玉米中赖氨酸和蛋氨酸的含量。通过农杆菌介导的转化来繁殖胚乳,玉米籽粒主要以α,β,β和β玉米醇溶蛋白的形式储存蛋白质。使用根癌农杆菌菌株EHA101转化三个热带玉米自交系(TL18,CML216和CML144)和温带系(A188)的所有胚,该菌株带有一个表达盒,旨在上调Z10蛋白用于蛋氨酸的增强和下调。 ?玉米醇溶蛋白贮藏蛋白的RNAi。 T-DNA还包含P-zp22 / 6作为启动子和膦丝菌素乙酰转移酶基因(bar),用于选择转化的组织。通过设计用于扩增P-zp22 / 6启动子序列的PCR测试推定的转化体中转基因的存在。愈伤组织存活频率计算为存活的愈伤组织相对于被感染的胚胎总数的百分比。这些范围从TL18的2.89%到A188的9.11%不等。该数据未检测到基因型之间存活的愈伤组织百分比有任何显着差异(p> 0.05)。将转化效率计算为PCR阳性植物数量除以受感染胚胎总数的百分比。从TL18的0%到A188的1.83%不等。数据表明有可能操纵贮藏蛋白并以正常籽粒再生正常的转基因玉米。进一步的工作应涉及基因表达测定法中α,β的积累。和?谷粒中的醇溶蛋白和Southern印迹分析以确认PCR阳性植物中稳定的整合以及P-zp22 / 6基因的拷贝数。关键字:RNAi,Z10,赖氨酸,蛋氨酸,pPZP200



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