首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied clinical medical physics / >Evaluation of the intra‐ and interfractional tumor motion and variability by fiducial‐based real‐time tracking in liver stereotactic body radiation therapy

Evaluation of the intra‐ and interfractional tumor motion and variability by fiducial‐based real‐time tracking in liver stereotactic body radiation therapy




Purpose Tumor motion amplitude varies during treatment. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the intra‐ and interfraction tumor motion and variability in patients with liver cancer treated with fiducial‐based real‐time tracking stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). Methods Fourteen liver patients were treated with SBRT using a CyberKnife. Two to four fiducial markers implanted near the tumor were used for real‐time monitoring using the Synchrony system. The tumor motion information during treatment was extracted from the log files recorded by the Synchrony system. Logfile‐based amplitudes in the superior–posterior (SI), left–right (LR) and anterior–posterior (AP) directions were compared to the 4DCT‐based amplitudes. The intra‐ and interfraction amplitude variations and the incidence of baseline shifts were analyzed for 66 fractions administered to 14 patients. Results The median (range) logfile‐based liver motion amplitudes for all patients were 11.9 (5.1–17.3) mm, 1.3 (0.4–4) mm and 3.8 (0.9–7.7) mm in the SI, LR and AP directions, respectively. Compared with the logfile‐based amplitude, the 4DCT‐based amplitude was underestimated ( P Conclusions Most patients showed significant intra‐ and interfraction liver motion amplitude variations over the entire course of radiation. More caution is needed for patients with large tumor motion amplitudes.



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