首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology >Assessment of awake i-gel? insertion for fiberoptic-guided intubation in patients with predicted difficult airway: A prospective, observational study

Assessment of awake i-gel? insertion for fiberoptic-guided intubation in patients with predicted difficult airway: A prospective, observational study




Background and Aims: Orotracheal intubation (OTI) with fiberoptic bronchoscope (FOB) in spontaneous ventilation is one of the main techniques for patients with predicted difficult airway. Latest generation supraglottic airway devices have been designed to allow OTI through them. We assessed the safety and effectiveness of FOB-guided OTI through i-gel? device which was inserted in spontaneously breathing patients with predicted difficult airway. Material and Methods: Eighty-five patients with difficult airway predictors were included. The i-gel was inserted under oropharyngeal local anaesthesia and sedation. After checking the adequate ventilation through the i-gel with capnography curve, general anaesthesia was induced in order to introduce the endotracheal tube guided by FOB. We recorded the i-gel insertion time (tgel), intubation time (tint), O2 saturation in pulse oximetry (SpO2) at different times: basal (t0), after 3 min of preoxygenation with a face mask at 100% FiO2 (t1), after i-gel mask insertion (t2) and after intubation (t3). Adverse events during the procedure were also recorded. Results: All patients were successfully intubated. SpO2 values were: 96.9 ± 1.2 (t0), 99.0 ± 0.9 (t1), 96.2 ± 2.4 (t2), 96.0 ± 2.5 (t3). tgel and tint were 38.0 ± 7.8 s and 36.5 ± 5.6 s, respectively. No serious adverse events were recorded and no patient suffered airway trauma. Conclusion: I-gel insertion in spontaneous ventilation secures the airway before achieving fiberoptic intubation without the occurrence of adverse events. More studies might be necessary in order to confirm the results presented, but we consider that the technique described is a safe and effective alternative to classic OTI with FOB in spontaneously breathing patients with predicted difficult airway.
机译:背景与目的:纤维支气管镜(FOB)进行自发通气的气管插管(OTI)是预测气道困难的患者的主要技术之一。设计了最新一代的声门上气道设备,以允许OTI通过它们。我们通过i-gel评估了FOB指导的OTI的安全性和有效性。装置被插入自发呼吸困难的患者中。材料和方法:纳入八十五例气道预测困难的患者。将i-gel插入口咽局部麻醉和镇静下。通过二氧化碳分析曲线通过i-gel检查充分的通气后,进行全身麻醉,以引入由FOB引导的气管导管。我们在不同时间记录了i-gel插入时间(tgel),插管时间(tint),脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2)中的O2饱和度:基础(t0),在100%FiO2的面罩预充氧3分钟后(t1) ),插入i-gel面罩后(t2)和插管后(t3)。程序中的不良事件也被记录下来。结果:所有患者均成功插管。 SpO2值为:96.9±1.2(t0),99.0±0.9(t1),96.2±2.4(t2),96.0±2.5(t3)。 tgel和tint分别为38.0±7.8 s和36.5±5.6 s。没有记录到严重的不良事件,也没有患者遭受气道创伤。结论:自发通气中插入I-gel可以在实现光纤插管之前固定气道,而不会发生不良事件。为了证实所给出的结果,可能需要进行更多的研究,但是我们认为,所描述的技术对于自发呼吸困难的自然呼吸患者,是经典的OTI和FOB的安全有效替代方案。



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