首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science Advances >The Effects of Body Condition Score and Age of Ewes on the Reproductive Performance in Kivircik, Sakiz and Gokceada Sheep

The Effects of Body Condition Score and Age of Ewes on the Reproductive Performance in Kivircik, Sakiz and Gokceada Sheep




This study was carried out to investigate the effects of body condition score (BCS) and age of ewes on the reproductive performance of Turkish native Kivircik, Sakiz, and Gokceada ewes in the breeding season. The animal materials comprised of 156 ewes of different ages and breeds that were raised at Bandyrma Sheep Research Station, Turkey. The fertility rates of Kivircik, Sakiz, and Gokceada ewes were 0.83, 0.87, and 0.74, and the litter sizes were 1.44, 1.70, and 1.79 lamb/ewe, respectively. The effect of breed on fertility rate was not significant (P>0.05), however it was significant on litter size (P<0.01). Gokceada ewes had the lowest fertility (0.743), and Sakiz ewes had the highest fertility (0.870). On the other hand, litter size was the lowest with Kivircik sheep breed (1.43), and it was the highest with Gokceada breed (1.78). According to the BCS categories at 1 unit intervals, significant differences were observed only for the fertility rates (P<0.05), which gave highest values between 3 and 5 for the BCS. The age of the ewes was significant on the fertility rate (P<0.05) and the litter size (P<0.01). Also, the effect of ewe age at breeding season on the fertility and the litter size was the lowest with the ages of 3 (0.62) and 2 (1.39), while it was the highest with the ages of 6 (0.907), and 6 (1.906). In conclusion, the BCS at breeding, age of ewes, and their breeds was observed to affect fertility and litter size.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究繁殖期季节中身体状况评分(BCS)和母羊年龄对土耳其当地Kivircik,Sakiz和Gokceada母羊繁殖性能的影响。这些动物材料由土耳其Bandyrma绵羊研究站培育的156头不同年龄和品种的母羊组成。 Kivircik,Sakiz和Gokceada母羊的受精率分别为0.83、0.87和0.74,产仔数分别为1.44、1.70和1.79羔羊/母羊。繁殖对生育率的影响不显着(P> 0.05),但对产仔数的影响显着(P <0.01)。 Gokceada母羊的繁殖力最低(0.743),而Sakiz母羊的繁殖力最高(0.870)。另一方面,Kivircik绵羊品种的产仔数最低(1.43),而Gokceada品种的产仔数最大(1.78)。根据BCS类别,每1个单位间隔,仅在生育率上观察到显着差异(P <0.05),BCS的最高值为3至5。母羊的年龄对生育率(P <0.05)和产仔数(P <0.01)具有重要意义。同样,在繁殖季节,母羊年龄对生育能力和产仔数的影响最低,分别为3岁(0.62)和2岁(1.39),而最高年龄分别为6岁(0.907)和6岁。 (1.906)。总之,观察到BCS在繁殖,母羊年龄及其品种中会影响生育能力和窝产仔数。



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