首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Production Advances >The Impact of Village Poultry Technology Adoption on the Livelihood of Smallholder Farmers in the Central Oromia Region, Ethiopia

The Impact of Village Poultry Technology Adoption on the Livelihood of Smallholder Farmers in the Central Oromia Region, Ethiopia




The study was conducted to assess the livelihood of village poultry technology adoption on smallholder farmers in the central Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Using multi-stage random sampling method, 180 technology participants were selected for face to face interview. Structured questionnaire was employed to collect data. Insert Logit model Propensity score matching method was used and delete to test the impact of the technology. The study revealed that adopters were significantly benefited by 68.5% from the technology and could produce 101 more eggs per/layer, consumed 18 more eggs/year and got 168.65 Birr more income per layer/year as compared to non-adopters. In conclusion, improved chicken breeds intervention had positive impact on treated and average treatment effect on study population. Except livelihood change, the significant differences between adopters and non-adopters on outcome variables were not due to hidden bias but due to the treatment effect of technology intervention.
机译:该研究旨在评估埃塞俄比亚中部奥罗米亚地区小农户采用乡村家禽技术的生计。使用多阶段随机抽样方法,选择了180名技术参与者进行面对面采访。采用结构化问卷收集数据。使用Insert Logit模型的倾向得分匹配方法并删除来测试该技术的影响。该研究表明,采用该技术的收养者明显受益于该技术,与不采用这种技术的人相比,采用这种技术的鸡蛋每层可多生产101枚鸡蛋,每年可食用18枚鸡蛋,每层/每年可增加168.65 Birr的收入。总之,改进的鸡品种干预措施对研究人群的治疗效果和平均治疗效果均具有积极影响。除生计变化外,采用者与不采用者之间在结果变量上的显着差异不是由于隐藏的偏见,而是由于技术干预的治疗效果。



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