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6th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis




The 6th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC) was held in Beijing, China, from 12th to 15th September 2010. It was organised by the Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES), Beijing, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The topics of this conference covered five important fields: automotive exhaust catalysis; clean air and water; clean energy; reducing greenhouse gases; and green chemistry. Around 500 people from around the world attended. The organisers selected 16 keynotes, 119 oral presentations and 322 posters.This review solely focuses on automotive exhaust catalysis. The talks have been divided depending on their application, including: particulate matter (PM) control; three-way catalysts (TWCs); ammonia-selective catalytic reduction (NH3-SCR); hydrocarbon-selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR); and lean nitrogen oxides (NOx) traps.
机译:第六届环境催化国际会议(ICEC)于2010年9月12日至15日在中国北京举行。会议由中国科学院北京生态环境研究中心(RCEES)主办。 )。本次会议的主题涵盖了五个重要领域:汽车尾气催化;清洁空气和水;清洁能源;减少温室气体;和绿色化学。来自世界各地的约500人参加了会议。组织者选择了16个主题演讲,119个口头报告和322个海报。讨论会根据其应用进行了划分,包括:颗粒物(PM)控制;三效催化剂(TWC);氨选择性催化还原(NH3-SCR);烃选择性催化还原(HC-SCR);和稀薄的氮氧化物(NOx)捕集阱。



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