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Data warehouse, reporting and stakeholder engagement. Achievements of the University of Macerata




Nowadays there is an increasing need to integrate information from many sources in order to meet several kinds of urgencies. They come from both institutional stakeholders, who want to evaluate the performance of the organisation, and from citizens, who ask for more transparency. The adoption of a software infrastructure, based on a data warehouse and a collaborative balanced scorecard, aimed at making the editing of social reports faster and more easily shared, has been the first step to fulfill these needs in an integrated manner. Apart from technological issues, this experience has been an opportunity to make explicit the tacit knowledge inside the organisation and has prepared the ground for near future development in the field of decision support systems and advanced data mining applications. Citation Bentivoglio, C., D'antini, G., Gison, G. & Giusepponi, K. (2014). Data warehouse, reporting and stakeholder engagement. Achievements of the University of Macerata. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 10 (2),. Italian e-Learning Association. ? 2014 SIEL Keywords computer science economy education.
机译:如今,越来越需要整合来自许多来源的信息,以满足各种紧急情况。它们既来自希望评估组织绩效的机构利益相关者,又来自要求提高透明度的公民。基于数据仓库和协作平衡计分卡的软件基础架构的采用,旨在使社交报告的编辑更快,更容易共享,已成为以集成方式满足这些需求的第一步。除了技术问题之外,这种经验还为在组织内部明确隐性知识提供了机会,并为在决策支持系统和高级数据挖掘应用程序领域的近期发展奠定了基础。引文Bentivoglio,C.,D'antini,G.,Gison,G.&Giusepponi,K.(2014)。数据仓库,报告和利益相关方参与。马切拉塔大学的成就。电子学习与知识社会杂志,10(2),。意大利电子学习协会。 ? 2014 SIEL关键词计算机科学经济教育。



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