首页> 外文期刊>JMIR Research Protocols >Household Surveys in the General Population and Web-Based Surveys in IQOS Users Registered at the Philip Morris International IQOS User Database: Protocols on the Use of Tobacco- and Nicotine-Containing Products in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom (Greater London), 2018-2020

Household Surveys in the General Population and Web-Based Surveys in IQOS Users Registered at the Philip Morris International IQOS User Database: Protocols on the Use of Tobacco- and Nicotine-Containing Products in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom (Greater London), 2018-2020

机译:在Philip Morris国际IQOS用户数据库中注册的IQOS用户的一般人口住户调查和基于网络的调查:德国,意大利和英国(大伦敦)使用烟草和尼古丁产品的协议, 2018-2020



Background Philip Morris International (PMI) has developed a novel heat-not-burn tobacco product, Tobacco Heating System (THS), which is marketed under the brand name of IQOS with HEETS (IQOS). The aerosol generated by THS has substantially fewer toxicants than combustible cigarette smoke, although the extent of the reduction of harmful and potentially harmful constituents reported varies between studies. To evaluate the potential harm reduction associated with IQOS use, the assessment of the uptake and continued use of IQOS in the context of all other tobacco- and nicotine-containing products is crucial. In March 2018, PMI launched cross-sectional surveys in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom (Greater London) to estimate the prevalence and use patterns of IQOS and other tobacco- and nicotine-containing products use in these 3 markets following the commercialization of IQOS. This study describes the protocol of the surveys. Objective The objectives of these surveys are to estimate the prevalence of tobacco- and nicotine-containing products use; describe past and current patterns of use; and explore their associations with self-reported health, motivation to use, risk perceptions, and perceived aesthetic changes. Methods The overall design of the surveys is similar in all 3 countries. Repeated cross-sectional surveys are being conducted annually over 3 consecutive years (2018 to 2020) and in 2 samples: a representative sample of the general population and a sample of IQOS users. A total of 6085 adults per year will be selected from the general population for each survey through multistage stratified sampling, and participants will respond to face-to-face computer-assisted personal interviews. In addition, 1404, 1384, and 1246 IQOS users per year in Germany, Italy, and Greater London, respectively, will be randomly selected from the PMI IQOS user database and will be invited to complete the Web-based survey using computer-assisted self-interviews. The Smoking Questionnaire is used to assess the tobacco use patterns of the participants. Results The recruitment of the general population sample began in March 2018 and that of the IQOS user sample began in April 2018. The data collection is ongoing, and the results of the first year data analysis are expected to be available by June 2019. Conclusions As the design of the 3 surveys is similar, the results will allow for cross-countries comparison of the prevalence of IQOS and other tobacco- and nicotine-containing products use as well as patterns of use and associated factors.
机译:背景技术菲利普莫里斯国际公司(PMI)开发了一种新颖的不燃烧的烟草产品,即烟草加热系统(THS),该产品以IQOS和HEETS(IQOS)的商标出售。尽管报告的有害和潜在有害成分减少的程度在不同研究之间有所不同,但THS产生的气溶胶比可燃香烟烟雾中的毒物少得多。为了评估与IQOS的使用相关的潜在危害减少,至关重要的是评估在所有其他含烟草和尼古丁的产品中IQOS的吸收和持续使用。在2018年3月,PMI在德国,意大利和英国(大伦敦)启动了横断面调查,以评估在这三个市场上IQOS以及其他含烟草和尼古丁产品使用的IQOS流行和使用模式IQOS。这项研究描述了调查的协议。目的这些调查的目的是估计使用烟草和尼古丁产品的流行率。描述过去和当前的使用方式;并探索他们与自我报告的健康状况,使用动机,风险感知和感知的审美变化之间的联系。方法在所有三个国家中,调查的总体设计是相似的。每年将连续3年(2018年至2020年)进行重复横断面调查,并采用2个样本:一个具有代表性的普通人群样本和一个IQOS用户样本。每年将通过多阶段分层抽样从总人口中选出6085名成年人,参加者将对面对面的计算机辅助个人访谈做出回应。此外,将从PMI IQOS用户数据库中随机选择每年分别在德国,意大利和大伦敦的1404、1384和1246个IQOS用户,并邀请他们使用计算机辅助的自我完成基于Web的调查。 -面试。吸烟问卷用于评估参与者的烟草使用方式。结果一般人群样本的征募始于2018年3月,IQOS用户样本的征募始于2018年4月。数据收集正在进行中,第一年数据分析的结果预计将于2019年6月获得。这3个调查的设计相似,其结果将允许跨国比较IQOS和其他含烟草和尼古丁产品的使用情况以及使用方式和相关因素。



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