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Examining Incentives to Promote Physical Activity Maintenance Among Hospital Employees Not Achieving 10,000 Daily Steps: A Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol




Background The economic burden of physical inactivity in Canada is estimated at Can $6.8 billion (US $5 billion) per year. Employers bear a substantial proportion of the economic costs, as they pay more for inactive workers in health care and other organizational costs. In response, many Canadian employers offer wellness programs, though these are often underutilized. While financial health incentives have been proposed as one way of increasing participation, their longer term effects (ie postintervention effects) are not clear. Objective The objective of this paper is to outline the methodology for a randomized control trial (RCT) examining the longer term impact of an existing physical activity promotion program that is enhanced by adding guaranteed rewards (Can $1 [US $0.74] per day step goal met) in a lower active hospital employee population (less than 10,000 steps per day). Methods A 12-week, parallel-arm RCT (with a 12-week postintervention follow-up) will be employed. Employees using Change4Life (a fully automated, incentive-based wellness program) and accumulating fewer than 10,000 steps per day at baseline (weeks 1 to 2) will be randomly allocated (1:1) to standard care (wellness program, accelerometer) or an intervention group (standard care plus guaranteed incentives). All study participants will be asked to wear the accelerometer and synchronize it to Change4Life daily, although only intervention group participants will receive guaranteed incentives for reaching tailored daily step count goals (Can $1 [US $0.74] per day; weeks 3 to 12). The primary study outcome will be mean proportion of participant-days step goal reached during the postintervention follow-up period (week 24). Mean proportion of participant-days step goal reached during the intervention period (week 12) will be a secondary outcome. Results Enrollment for the study will be completed in February 2017. Data analysis will commence in September 2017. Study results are to be published in the winter of 2018. Conclusions This protocol was designed to examine the impact of guaranteed rewards on physical activity maintenance in lower active hospital employees. ClinicalTrial ClinicalTrials.gov {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT02638675","term_id":"NCT02638675"}} NCT02638675 ; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0 2638675 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6g4pvZvhW).
机译:背景每年加拿大因身体不活动而造成的经济负担估计为68亿加元(50亿美元)。雇主承担了很大一部分经济成本,因为他们为医疗保健中的闲暇工人支付了更多的费用以及其他组织费用。作为回应,许多加拿大雇主提供了健康计划,尽管这些计划常常没有得到充分利用。虽然已经提出了财务健康激励措施作为增加参与的一种方法,但是它们的长期影响(即干预后的影响)尚不清楚。目标本文的目的是概述一项随机对照试验(RCT)的方法,该方法检查现有体育锻炼促进计划的长期影响,该计划通过增加保证的奖励而得到了增强(达到了每天1美元[0.74美元]的目标) ),而医院员工人数较少(每天少于10,000步)。方法采用12周平行臂RCT(干预后12周随访)。使用Change4Life(全自动,基于激励的健康计划)并且每天在基线(第1至2周)每天累积少于10,000步的员工将被随机分配(1:1)到标准护理(健康计划,加速计)或干预组(标准护理加保证的激励措施)。尽管只有干预组参与者才能获得保证达到每日定制步数目标的激励措施(每天1加元[0.74美元];第3至12周),但所有研究参与者都将被要求佩戴加速度计并将其与Change4Life每天同步。主要研究结果将是干预后随访期间(第24周)达到的参加者天步骤目标的平均比例。在干预期间(第12周)达到的参加者天步骤目标的平均比例将是次要结果。结果该研究的入组将于2017年2月完成。数据分析将于2017年9月开始。研究结果将于2018年冬季发布。结论该协议旨在检查低龄人群中有保证的奖励对维持体育锻炼的影响。活跃的医院员工。 ClinicalTrial ClinicalTrials.gov {“ type”:“ clinical-trial”,“ attrs”:{“ text”:“ NCT02638675”,“ term_id”:“ NCT02638675”}} NCT02638675; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0 2638675(由WebCite存档,网址为http://www.webcitation.org/6g4pvZvhW)。



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