首页> 外文期刊>Drug Safety - Case Reports >Neutropenia and Thrombocytopenia Induced by Proton Pump Inhibitors: A Case Report

Neutropenia and Thrombocytopenia Induced by Proton Pump Inhibitors: A Case Report




Abstract An 85-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of dysphagia, and was diagnosed with benign stricture of the esophagus. He was hospitalized repeatedly for balloon dilations. Pantoprazole sodium (80?mg, twice daily, intravenously) was administered each time when he was in hospital, while esomeprazole (20?mg/day, orally) was administered intermittently when he was at home. Reductions in both white blood cells and platelets were noticed about 4?months after proton pump inhibitors were introduced. Bone marrow suppression induced by proton pump inhibitors was diagnosed as proven by bone marrow biopsy. White blood cell, neutrophil, and platelet counts went back to the normal range after proton pump inhibitors were stopped. The present case shows a rare bi-cytopenia associated with proton pump inhibitors and suggests the importance of awareness of hematological adverse events during proton pump inhibitor therapy.
机译:摘要一名85岁男子因吞咽困难入院,被诊断为食道良性狭窄。他因球囊扩张多次住院。每次住院时都要服用托拉唑钠(80?mg,每天两次,静脉注射),而他在家时要间歇给药艾美拉唑(20?mg /天,口服)。引入质子泵抑制剂后约4个月,白细胞和血小板均减少。质子泵抑制剂诱导的骨髓抑制经骨髓活检证实。停止质子泵抑制剂后,白细胞,嗜中性粒细胞和血小板计数恢复到正常范围。本例显示了与质子泵抑制剂相关的罕见双血细胞减少症,并表明了在质子泵抑制剂治疗期间认识血液学不良事件的重要性。



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