首页> 外文期刊>Drug Safety - Case Reports >Psychomotor Agitation Following Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine

Psychomotor Agitation Following Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine




We describe the case of an elderly woman with elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis, where the use of 4 mg/kg/day of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was followed by the onset of psychomotor agitation with marked physical and verbal violence towards her partner, including throwing objects at her partner. No disturbance in sleep and no anxiety, nervousness, or irritability had emerged before the onset of her psychomotor agitation. The disappearance of agitation following targeted pharmacologic intervention and HCQ interruption, its re-onset after reintroduction of the drug, and the high score (9) of Naranjo’s algorithm are surely linked to the existence of a causal relationship between HCQ and psychomotor agitation. HCQ may produce undesirable effects on the central nervous system, mainly irritability, nervousness, emotional changes, and nightmares. To the best of our knowledge, there are only a few case reports of psychosis due to HCQ. No favoring condition such as pharmacokinetic interactions or a personal and family psychiatric history was present in our patient. The neuropsychiatric manifestations we observed could be considered a bizarre-type adverse drug reaction linked to an individual’s hypersensitivity.
机译:我们描述了一名患有老年性类风湿关节炎的老年妇女,其中每天使用4 mg / kg的羟氯喹(HCQ),随后发生精神运动性激动,对伴侣的身体和言语暴力明显,包括投掷反对她的伴侣。在她的精神运动性躁动发作之前,没有睡眠障碍,也没有出现焦虑,紧张或烦躁。有针对性的药理学干预和HCQ中断后躁动的消失,重新引入药物后其发作以及Naranjo算法的高分(9)肯定与HCQ和精神运动性躁动之间存在因果关系。 HCQ可能会对中枢神经系统产生不良影响,主要是易怒,神经质,情绪变化和噩梦。据我们所知,只有少数几例因HCQ引起的精神病报告。在我们的患者中,没有药物代谢动力学相互作用或个人和家庭精神病史等有利条件。我们观察到的神经精神病学表现可能被视为与个人的超敏反应有关的怪异型药物不良反应。



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