首页> 外文期刊>Drugs - Real World Outcomes >Characterization of Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Among Patients Admitted to Kenyatta National Hospital: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

Characterization of Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Among Patients Admitted to Kenyatta National Hospital: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study




BackgroundStevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are severe cutaneous reactions. There is scant literature on the characteristics and causes of these conditions in Kenyatta National Hospital. ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, risk factors, and etiologies of SJS/TEN among patients admitted to Kenyatta National Hospital. MethodsA retrospective cross-sectional study was done to find the characteristics and causes of severe cutaneous reactions among patients admitted to Kenyatta National Hospital. Universal sampling was employed, whereby all 115 patients with severe cutaneous reactions between June 2006 and June 2016 were studied. Information collected included participants’ sociodemographic variables, clinical characteristics of the disease, and the possible triggers. Data were analyzed using STATA version 13 at p ≤?0.05. ResultsThe mean age of patients was 31?years (±20). Low case numbers precluded statistically significant results; however, females represented 59.1% of patients, and 46.1% of patients were diagnosed between the ages of 21 and 40?years. SJS occurred in 47% of patients followed by TEN in 33.9% and SJS/TEN overlap in 19.1%. Drugs were determined to be the causative agent in 94.8% of the severe cutaneous reactions followed by infectious agents at 5.2%, principally HIV, herpes simplex virus 1, and mycoplasma. The most common drugs implicated were sulfonamides (26.1%) and nevirapine (15.7%). ConclusionNumerically, SJS was the most common subtype of SJS/TEN in Kenyatta National Hospital and was usually attributed to use of drugs, especially sulfonamides. Severe cutaneous reactions were observed more frequently in females and in patients aged between 21 and 40?years, indicating that emphasizing surveillance and medication counselling in these patient populations could be beneficial.
机译:背景史蒂芬-约翰逊综合征(SJS)和中毒性表皮坏死溶解(TEN)是严重的皮肤反应。肯雅塔国家医院缺乏有关这些疾病的特征和病因的文献。目的本研究旨在确定肯雅塔国家医院(Kenyatta National Hospital)住院患者中SJS / TEN的患病率,危险因素和病因。方法进行回顾性横断面研究,以了解肯雅塔国家医院住院患者严重皮肤反应的特征和原因。采用通用抽样,研究了2006年6月至2016年6月期间所有115例严重皮肤反应患者。收集的信息包括参与者的社会人口统计学变量,疾病的临床特征以及可能的诱因。使用STATA 13版在p≤?0.05处分析数据。结果患者的平均年龄为31岁(±20)。低病例数排除了统计学上显着的结果;然而,女性占患者的59.1%,诊断出年龄在21至40岁之间的患者占46.1%。 SJS发生在47%的患者中,其次是TEN,占33.9%,SJS / TEN重叠在19.1%。在94.8%的严重皮肤反应中,药物被确定为病原,其次是5.2%的传染病,主要是HIV,单纯疱疹病毒1和支原体。其中涉及的最常见药物是磺胺类药物(26.1%)和奈韦拉平(15.7%)。结论从数字上讲,SJS是肯雅塔国家医院最常见的SJS / TEN亚型,通常归因于药物尤其是磺胺类药物的使用。在女性和21至40岁的患者中,更频繁地出现严重的皮肤反应,这表明在这些患者人群中强调监视和药物咨询可能是有益的。



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