首页> 外文期刊>ZooKeys >Description of a new species of Alburnus Rafinesque, 1820 (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae, Leuciscinae) from the Kolpa River in the Sava River system (upper Danube drainage), with remarks on the geographical distribution of shemayas in the Danube

Description of a new species of Alburnus Rafinesque, 1820 (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae, Leuciscinae) from the Kolpa River in the Sava River system (upper Danube drainage), with remarks on the geographical distribution of shemayas in the Danube

机译:萨瓦河系统(多瑙河上游排水处)的科尔帕河上的一种新出现的阿尔布纳斯·拉芬斯克(Alburnus Rafinesque),1820年的物种(放线gi,鲤科,白斑)



Alburnussava, new species, is described from the Kolpa River. The Kolpa is a tributary of the Sava, a major tributary of the Danube River, in the Black Sea basin. Alburnussava is distinguished from its congeners in the Danube drainage, A.mento and A.sarmaticus, by having 23?¢????27, usually 24?¢????26, gill rakers; the ventral keel usually completely covered by scales (scaleless part maximum 15% of the keel length); 15?¢????16, mode 15, branched pectoral-fin rays; the length of the gill raker at the junction of the arch limbs 65?¢????70% of the length of the opposite outer gill filament; and a relatively long lower jaw (37?¢????40% HL or 112?¢????130% interorbital width). Alburnussava is a large-sized potamadromous shemaya known to occur in the entire Sava drainage. The taxonomic status of A.mento and A.sarmaticus is confirmed. Alburnusdanubicus is discussed and as there are no new arguments, it is kept as a valid species. New details on the distribution of shemayas in the Danube drainage are presented.
机译:新物种Alburnussava是在科尔帕河中描述的。科尔帕河是萨瓦河的支流,萨瓦河是黑海盆地多瑙河的主要支流。 Alburnussava与多瑙河流域A.mento和A.sarmaticus的同类动物的区别在于,有23 ¢ 27,通常是24 ¢ 26的g耙。腹龙骨通常完全被鳞片覆盖(无鳞部分最大为龙骨长度的15%); 15、16,模式15,分支的胸鳍射线; arch臂交界处的ill骨耙的长度为相对的外65丝的长度的70%;下颌较长(37%HL为40%或112%眶周宽度为130%)。 Alburnussava是一种大型的波多巴的假树,已知发生在整个Sava排水系统中。确认了米氏曲霉和沙门氏菌的分类状态。讨论了Alburnusdanubicus,由于没有新的论据,因此被视为有效种。介绍了有关多巴哥排水系统中shemayas分布的新细节。



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