首页> 外文期刊>ZooKeys >Differentiation of three common deep-water hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura, Parapaguridae) from the South African demersal abundance surveys, including the description of a new species of Paragiopagurus Lemaitre, 1996

Differentiation of three common deep-water hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura, Parapaguridae) from the South African demersal abundance surveys, including the description of a new species of Paragiopagurus Lemaitre, 1996




Deep-water hermit crabs of the family Parapaguridae can be abundant (up to 20 kg or 1000 hermit crab individuals per haul) in the trawl bycatch collected during South African demersal abundance research surveys. Until recently, only two parapagurid species had been recognized in the bycatch; Parapagurusbouvieri Stebbing, 1910, and Sympagurusdimorphus (Studer, 1883). Detailed examination of numerous samples of parapagurid specimens from research surveys revealed the existence of a third, undescribed species previously confounded with S.dimorphus, but in fact belonging to a different genus. This new species, Paragiopagurusatkinsonaesp. n. is the 25th in the genus Paragiopagurus Lemaitre, 1996, and has been found only in a small region on the West Coast shelf of South Africa, at depths of 199?¢????277 m. The species is herein fully described and illustrated, including colour images, ???μCT scans of selected body parts, and CO1 barcode data. The new species is morphologically most similar to P.ventilatus Lemaitre, 2004, a species associated with hydrothermal vents, but differs in armature of the fourth antennal segment (armed with a spine on the dorsolateral distal angle vs. unarmed in P.ventilatus); setation of the antennal flagella (nearly naked vs. with dense setae in P.ventilatus); plumose setation on the third maxillipeds and basal segments of chelipeds (absent vs. present in P.ventilatus); number of rows of scales on the propodal rasp of pereopod 4 (two or three rows vs. one row in P.ventilatus); and degree of telson asymmetry (weakly asymmetrical vs. strongly asymmetrical in P.ventilatus). Paragiopagurusatkinsonaesp. n. is superficially similar to S.dimorphus, with males of the two species showing the same extreme degree of sexual dimorphism on the right cheliped, general light orange colouration, and frequent use of colonial zoanthid carcinoecia for pleonal protection. To aid in future identifications and to facilitate data gathering during surveys, a comparison of P.atkinsonaesp. n. with S.dimorphus is provided, along with descriptions of colouration and photographs of live specimens of all three parapagurid species. Information on taxonomy of the species is summarized, as well as knowledge of their distribution in the demersal research survey regions of South Africa.
机译:在南非沉水丰度研究调查中收集的拖网兼捕物中,伞形科的深水寄居蟹可能很丰富(每拖拉最多20公斤或1000只寄居蟹个体)。直到最近,副渔获物中仅发现了两种伞形目物种。 Parapagurusbouvieri Stebbing,1910年; Sympagurusdimorphus(Studer,1883年)。从研究调查中对大量的伞形虫标本进行了详细检查,发现存在第三种未描述的物种,以前与双歧杆菌混淆,但实际上属于另一属。这个新物种,Paragiopagurusatkinsonaesp。 。它是1996年Paragiopagurus Lemaitre属中的第25个,仅在南非西海岸陆架的一个小区域内发现,深度199 m 277 m。这里对物种进行了充分的描述和说明,包括彩色图像,选定身体部位的μCT扫描以及CO1条形码数据。新物种在形态上最类似于2004年的P.ventilatus Lemaitre,一个与热液喷口有关的物种,但第四触角节的电枢不同(在背外侧远侧角上有脊椎武装,而在P.ventilatus中没有武装);触角鞭毛的设置(近裸对翅与浓密的刚毛对虾)螯足的第三个最大足和基底节上的羽状排列(不存在与存在于P.ventilatus中);骨足4的前足锉上的鳞片行数(两行或三行,而对虾则为一行); telson不对称的程度和程度(P.ventilatus中的弱不对称vs.强不对称)。 Paragiopagurusatkinsonaesp。 。在表面上类似于双歧链球菌,两个物种的雄性在右唇上表现出相同的极端性二态性,一般为淡橙色,并经常使用殖民地的隐伏性角膜动物癌来保护胸膜。为了有助于将来的识别并促进调查期间的数据收集,对P.atkinsonaesp进行了比较。 。提供了双歧杆菌,以及所有这三个副伞形物种的颜色描述和活体标本照片。总结了有关物种分类的信息,以及在南非的水下研究调查区域中有关物种分类的知识。



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