首页> 外文期刊>História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos >Vida de leprosa: the testimony of a woman living with Hansen's disease in the Peruvian Amazon, 1947

Vida de leprosa: the testimony of a woman living with Hansen's disease in the Peruvian Amazon, 1947

机译:维达·德·勒普罗萨(Vida de leprosa):1947年在秘鲁亚马逊河地区一名患有汉森氏病的妇女的证词



This is the narrative of a patient made before, during and after being incarcerated in an agricultural colony in the Peruvian Amazon. In a vivid style, it narrates the decay of the body, the stigma and the compulsive segregation, as well as the hope for a better life. It is the perspective of a patient, something that is difficult to find when researching the history of health. The original publication was possible thanks to the German physician Maxime H. Kuczynski-Godard and thanks to the Institute of Social Medicine of the University of San Marcos that was directed by the professor of hygiene Carlos Enrique Paz-Soldán. We have used this publication for this transcription. Kuczynski-Godard was a German medical doctor that arrived in Peru in the mid 1930s and organized valuable activities in the Peruvian jungle as apart of an effort, which eventually failed, of the Peruvian State to colonize, or really to ''civilize'' the Amazon.
机译:这是在秘鲁亚马逊的一个农业殖民地中被监禁之前,之中和之后制造的患者的叙述。它以生动的方式讲述了身体的衰败,污名和强迫性隔离,以及对美好生活的希望。这是患者的观点,这在研究健康史时很难找到。由于德国医师Maxime H. Kuczynski-Godard以及卫生学Carlos EnriquePaz-Soldán教授指导的圣马科斯大学社会医学研究所的缘故,该原始出版物得以发表。我们已将此出版物用于此转录。库钦斯基·戈达德(Kuczynski-Godard)是一位德国医生,于1930年代中期到达秘鲁,并在秘鲁丛林中组织了宝贵的活动,这是秘鲁国家殖民或真正“文明”该国的努力的最终失败。亚马逊



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