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Abhishiktananda (Henri le Saux, O.S.B) 1910–1973: Pioneer of interspiritual mysticism

机译:Abhishiktananda(Henri le Saux,O.S.B),1910年至1973年:灵间神秘主义的先驱



There is no doubt that we live in an interspiritual age, although this is not unequivocally accepted in all sectors of religious and non-religious discourse. However, although, in the past, theological debate was primary, there has now been a welcome shift to shared experience. Interspiritual engagement has as its aim a deep appreciation of, respect for and engagement with the spiritual experience of the ‘other’. In order to glean some insights regarding interspiritual mysticism, the aim of this article is to turn to a contemporary mystic for wisdom and guidance: Abhishiktananda (Dom Henri le Saux, O.S.B) (1910–1973) was a French Benedictine monk who left his homeland to live and work in India. Deeply Christian, he nevertheless entered profoundly into the mystical thought of Hinduism. A pioneer of mystical prayer, Abhishiktananda ventured into the realm of advaita, which leads to interior silence. Contemplative silence, in which a state of translucent emptiness occurs, effects a life of unceasing prayer, moment by moment; emanating from the silence of this state of consciousness, compassion, service and energy flow to the benefit of all.
机译:毫无疑问,我们生活在一个跨宗教的时代,尽管在宗教和非宗教言论的所有领域都没有明确地接受这一点。然而,尽管在过去神学辩论是主要的,但现在有一个可喜的转变是分享经验。跨精神交往的目标是对“他者”的属灵经验的深刻理解,尊重和参与。为了收集关于灵修间神秘主义的一些见解,本文的目的是转向当代神秘主义者寻求智慧和指导:Abhishiktananda(Dom Henri le Saux,OSB)(1910–1973)是法国本笃会修道士,他离开了家园在印度生活和工作。尽管他是基督徒,但他还是深入地研究了印度教的神秘思想。神秘祈祷的先驱Abhishiktananda冒险进入advaita领域,这导致了内部的沉默。沉思的寂静,其中出现了半透明的空虚状态,影响着一刻不停地祈祷的生活。源于这种意识状态,同情心,服务和能量流的沉默,使所有人受益。



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