首页> 外文期刊>Zoosystematics and Evolution >Diamond in the rough: a new species of fossorial diamond frog (Rhombophryne) from Ranomafana National Park, southeastern Madagascar

Diamond in the rough: a new species of fossorial diamond frog (Rhombophryne) from Ranomafana National Park, southeastern Madagascar




We describe a new species from the cophyline microhylid genus Rhombophryne, a group of fossorial and terrestrial frogs endemic to Madagascar. Found during herpetofaunal surveys of moist montane forest in the remote north of Ranomafana National Park, Rhombophryne nilevina sp. n. exemplifies two difficulties that hinder taxonomic progress in Malagasy cophyline frogs: micro-endemicity and highly secretive habits. Known from only two adult male specimens, this new species is theless easily distinguishable from all other known Rhombophryne using morphological data, and osteological data collected here via X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography, or “micro-CT”. This species is now the largest known Rhombophryne, and the only one known from Ranomafana National Park, which will make it the southern-most member of the genus pending a forthcoming taxonomic revision involving Plethodontohyla and Rhombophryne. Pairwise distances of the mitochondrial 16s rRNA marker show a minimum genetic distance of 4.9% from other nominal Rhombophryne. We also describe recordings of an advertisement call, emitted from a burrow by the holotype. Rhombophryne nilevina sp. n. is not known to be found syntopically with other Rhombophryne, nor to be present elsewhere in Ranomafana National Park, but it probably does co-occur with a few ecologically similar Plethodontohyla species. Although the type locality is within a protected area, we suggest an IUCN listing of Data Deficient for R. nilevina sp. n., as its area of occupancy is largely undetermined within the park.
机译:我们描述了一种新的物种,来自共生的微hylidlid属Rhombophryne,一组在马达加斯加特有的脚和陆生青蛙。在Raomboafyne nilevina sp。的偏远地区Ranomafana国家公园的湿润山地森林的Herpetofaunal调查中发现。 。举例说明了阻碍马达加斯加的共生线青蛙的分类学进展的两个困难:微流行和高度分泌的习惯。仅通过两个成年雄性标本就知道了这一新物种,但使用形态学数据和此处通过X射线微计算机断层扫描或“ micro-CT”收集的骨学数据,就很容易将其与所有其他已知的长春花属区别开来。该物种现在是已知的最大的长春花属植物,也是从Ranomafana国家公园中已知的唯一物种,这将使其成为该属的最南端,即将进行涉及Plethodontohyla和Rhombophryne的分类学修订。线粒体16s rRNA标记的成对距离显示,与其他正常长春菲的最小遗传距离为4.9%。我们还描述了通过原型从洞穴发出的广告呼叫的记录。 Rhombophryne nilevina sp。 。尚不能与其他长春花属植物同位发现,也未在Ranomafana国家公园的其他地方发现过,但它可能确实与一些生态上相似的Plethodontohyla物种同时存在。尽管类型局部性在保护区内,但我们建议IUCN列出R. nilevina sp。的数据不足。 n。,因为公园内的占用面积在很大程度上不确定。



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