首页> 外文期刊>Zoosystematics and Evolution >Redescription of the deep-sea colonial ascidian Synoicum molle (Herdman, 1886): first record since its original finding during the Challenger Expedition

Redescription of the deep-sea colonial ascidian Synoicum molle (Herdman, 1886): first record since its original finding during the Challenger Expedition

机译:重新描述了深海殖民地海鼠Synoicum molle(赫德曼,1886年):自挑战者远征队最初发现以来的首次记录。



The colonial ascidian Synoicum molle (Herdman, 1886) was recorded for the first time after its original description. The slope area where S. molle was discovered during the Challenger Expedition (1872-1876), located at the mouth off Río de La Plata (Argentine Sea), still remains highly underexplored. During a series of deep-sea prospections along the SW Atlantic (A.R.A. Puerto Deseado, August 2012), 7 colonies of S. molle were collected few km from the type locality. The finding permitted to perform, for the first time, a complete morphological description of this species. The proper identification of marine species, especially deep-sea organisms, has implications for the general knowledge of biodiversity, a necessary tool for the conservation and study of ecosystem benefits that marine environments provide.
机译:在原始描述之后,第一次记录了殖民地海鼠Synoocum molle(Herdman,1886年)。在挑战者探险队(1872-1876)期间发现的S. molle的斜坡地区,位于拉普拉塔河(阿根廷海)的河口,至今仍未得到充分开发。在西南大西洋沿岸的一系列深海勘探中(A.R.A. Puerto Deseado,2012年8月),在该类型地区几公里外收集了7个S. molle殖民地。该发现首次允许对该物种进行完整的形态学描述。正确识别海洋物种,特别是深海生物,对生物多样性的一般知识具有影响,这是保护和研究海洋环境提供的生态系统惠益的必要工具。



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