首页> 外文期刊>Huitzil: Revista de ornitologia mexicana >Further contributions on the description of the nest, eggs and nesting habitat of the Mexican micro-endemic and near threatened Rose-bellied Bunting (Passerina rositae)

Further contributions on the description of the nest, eggs and nesting habitat of the Mexican micro-endemic and near threatened Rose-bellied Bunting (Passerina rositae)

机译:在描述墨西哥微特有种和近乎濒临灭绝的玫瑰腹Bun(Passerina rositae)的巢,卵和巢生境的描述方面做出进一步贡献



While assessing species density, abundance, and distribution through transects and point counts for the near threatenedspecies Rose-bellied Bunting, Passerina rositae, we found two active nests on two hillsides characterized by tropical drydeciduous forest on the western slope of its restricted range in the Sierra Tolistoque, in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca,Mexico. In both cases, we found no evidence of human disturbance and no proximate trail systems. This description addsfurther details of previous nest descriptions. These new findings have conservation implications due to the fact that originalhabitat degradation is rapidly occurring, not only due to cattle pastures, croplands, orchards, and human settlements, butalso to a fast growing wind farm and highway development projects in the region.
机译:在通过濒危物种玫瑰腹Bun,Passerina rositae的样带和点数评估物种密度,丰度和分布时,我们在两个山坡上发现了两个活跃的巢穴,其特征是在塞拉山脉其受限范围的西坡上有热带旱落叶森林Tolistoque,在墨西哥瓦哈卡州Tehuantepec的地峡中。在这两种情况下,我们都没有发现任何人为干扰的证据,也没有发现邻近的步道系统。该描述增加了先前的嵌套描述的更多细节。这些新发现具有保护意义,这是因为原始栖息地的退化正在迅速发生,这不仅是由于牛牧场,农田,果园和人类住区,而且还因为该地区快速发展的风电场和公路发展项目。



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