首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Teorie en praktyk van die prediking in die Nuwe Testament: Walter Schmithals aan die woord

Teorie en praktyk van die prediking in die Nuwe Testament: Walter Schmithals aan die woord

机译:新约传道的理论与实践:沃尔特·施密特斯(Walter Schmithals)的讲话



Theory and practice of preaching according to Walter Schmithals This article aims to show what Schmithals understands by preaching and how he applies it in practice. The argument develops along the following lines: ? Theory of preaching. ? Meditation: reception of the sermon. ? TTie role of the historical situation of the biblical text in preaching. It will be shown that Schmithals succeeds in creating unity between historical and dogmatic exegesis.
机译:沃尔特·施密特(Walter Schmithals)讲道的理论和实践本文旨在展示施密塔尔通过讲道理解的内容以及他在实践中的运用方式。该论点的发展大致如下:讲道理论。 ?冥想:接受布道。 ? TTie圣经经文的历史情况在宣讲中的作用。可以证明,施密塔尔成功地建立了历史和教条诠释之间的统一。



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