首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Missionale gemeentes in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika – Teologies verantwoord

Missionale gemeentes in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika – Teologies verantwoord

机译:Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika的宣教会众-从神学上讲是合理的



Missional congegrations in the Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa – Theologically substantiated The Christian churches are experiencing a major paradigm shift as they attemp to navigate the 20th century. Around the mid-fourth century to the mid-twentieth century CE, often referred to as the ‘age of Christendom', Christianity and the institutional church had a central place, which was culturally supported in the public life of most Western societies. Today it is impossible to talk about culture without using the plural. Society has changed into what is called a ‘pluriverse' of cultures determined by aspects such as geography, race, ethinicity, class, and worldview. For Christian denominations, this paradigm shift has become exceedingly challenging. This article discerns and experiments with approaches to ministry that are vitally challenged by the many current understandings of what it means to be church today. By taking the concept missio Dei as point of departure the article describes the church as being called to be a missional church and the Christian leaders as being called to exercise missional leadership. The article addresses the notion of missio trinitatis as fundamental to the understanding of the missio Dei. God is one who lives by sharing, and the Trinity is the doctrine of a God whose very essence is sharing, thus the consequence is that those who believe in such a God must live a similar life. Matthew 28:19?20 serves as basis for a discussion on the ‘embodiment' of the church's missional theology as well as a basis for the development of a missional praxis. The fundamental conviction argued in this article is that there can be no place for a future church that is not missional in essence.
机译:在非洲神经改革教会中的传教士群体-从神学上得到证实基督教教会在尝试穿越20世纪时正经历着重大的范式转变。大约在公元四世纪中叶至二十世纪中叶(通常被称为“基督教时代”),基督教和制度教会处于中心地位,这在大多数西方社会的公共生活中得到了文化支持。今天,不使用复数就不可能谈论文化。社会已经变成了由地理,种族,民族,阶级和世界观等方面决定的所谓的“多元文化”。对于基督教教派而言,这种范式转变已变得极具挑战性。本文对传道方法进行了辨别和实验,这些方法受到当前对当今教会意义的许多当前理解的严重挑战。通过以米西奥·德伊(Misio Dei)概念为出发点,本文描述了教会被称为传教教会,基督教领袖被称为行使传教领导。本文介绍三位一体的概念,这是理解迪奥思想的基础。上帝是通过分享而活的人,三位一体是本质上就是在分享的上帝的教义,因此结果是,相信这种上帝的人必须过同样的生活。马太福音28:19-20是讨论教会宣教神学的“实施方式”的基础,也是发展传教实践的基础。本文认为的基本信念是,未来的教会根本没有传教的空间。



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