首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >The ‘enigma of Jesus'' temple intervention: Four essential keys

The ‘enigma of Jesus'' temple intervention: Four essential keys




The emerging consensus, on the intervention of Jesus into the commercial operations of the Jerusalem Temple, speaks in terms of an enacted parable aimed at the temple hierarchy, against the backdrop of the ongoing economic and social oppression of the time. In this article, I consider four essential scholarly insights (keys): The possibility that Caiaphas introduced trade in sacrifices in the Jerusalem Temple; the link between the money changers and Greek-style bankers; the Jewish witness to the extent of high-priestly corruption in the 1st century CE; and finally the presence of the image of Baal-Melkart on the Tyrian Shekel. In the light of the fourth key, in particular, we discover Jesus, like the prophets of old (Jeremiah and Elijah), standing against the greed of the High priests and their abuse of the poor and marginalised, by defending the honour of God, and pronouncing judgement on the temple hierarchy as ‘bandits' (Jr 7:11) and, like their ancestors, encouragers of ‘Baal worship' (Jr 7:9).
机译:关于耶稣干预耶路撒冷圣殿的商业运作的新的共识,是在当时持续的经济和社会压迫的背景下,以针对圣殿等级的已制定的比喻说的。在本文中,我考虑了四个基本的学术见解(重点):凯法斯在耶路撒冷圣殿中进行祭祀交易的可能性;货币兑换商和希腊式银行家之间的联系;犹太人见证了公元1世纪大祭司的腐败;最后是泰安·谢克尔(Tyrian Shekel)上的巴尔·梅尔卡特(Baal-Melkart)形象。尤其是根据第四把钥匙,我们发现耶稣像古先知(耶利米和以利亚)一样,通过捍卫上帝的荣耀,与大祭司的贪婪以及他们对穷人和边缘人的虐待相对立,并宣告将圣殿等级定为“强盗”(耶7:11),并像其祖先一样鼓励“巴力崇拜”(耶7:9)。



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