首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >A global water cycle reanalysis (2003–2012) merging satellite gravimetry and altimetry observations with a hydrological multi-model ensemble

A global water cycle reanalysis (2003–2012) merging satellite gravimetry and altimetry observations with a hydrological multi-model ensemble




We present a global water cycle reanalysis that merges water balanceestimates derived from the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission, satellite water levelaltimetry and off-line estimates from several hydrological models. Errorestimates for the sequential data assimilation scheme were derived fromavailable uncertainty information and the triple collocation technique.Errors in four GRACE storage products were estimated to be 11–12 mm overland areas, while errors in monthly storage changes derived from five globalhydrological models were estimated to be 17–28 mm. Prior and posterior water storageestimates were evaluated against independent observations of river waterlevel and discharge, snow water storage and glacier mass loss. Dataassimilation improved or maintained agreement overall, although resultsvaried regionally. Uncertainties were greatest in regions where glacier massloss and subsurface storage decline are both plausible but poorlyconstrained. We calculated a global water budget for 2003–2012. The mainchanges were a net loss of polar ice caps (?342 Gt yr−1) and mountainglaciers (?230 Gt yr−1), with an additional decrease in seasonal snowpack(?18 Gt yr−1). Storage increased due to new impoundments (+16 Gt yr−1),but this was compensated by decreases in other surface waterbodies (?10 Gt yr−1). If the effect of groundwater depletion (?92 Gt yr−1)is considered separately, subsurface water storage increased by+202 Gt yr?1 due particularly to increased wetness in northerntemperate regions and in the seasonally wet tropics of South America andsouthern Africa. The reanalysis results are publicly available via href="www.wenfo.org/wald/"target="_blank">www.wenfo.org/wald/.
机译:我们提出了一项全球水循环再分析,该分析合并了从重力恢复和气候实验(GRACE)卫星任务,卫星水位高度测量法和几种水文模型的离线估计得出的水平衡估计值。顺序数据同化方案的误差估计来自可用的不确定性信息和三重配置技术。四种GRACE存储产品的误差估计为陆上区域11–12 mm,而由五个全球水文模型得出的月度存储变化误差估计为17–28毫米。根据对河水水位和流量,雪水储量和冰川质量损失的独立观察,评估了之前和之后的储水量。数据同化总体上改善或维持了协议,尽管结果因地区而异。在冰川质量损失和地下储藏量下降既有道理又受约束程度有限的地区,不确定性最大。我们计算了2003-2012年的全球水预算。主要变化是极地冰盖(?342 Gt yr -1 )和高山冰川(?230 Gt yr -1 )的净损失,季节性降雪量进一步减少(?18 Gt yr -1 )。由于新的蓄水量(+16 Gt yr -1 ),存储量增加了,但是其他地表水体的减少(?10 Gt yr -1 )弥补了存储量的增加。如果单独考虑地下水枯竭的影响(?92 Gt yr -1 ),则地下水的储量增加了+202 Gt yr ?1 ,这尤其是由于北温带的湿度增加南美和非洲南部地区以及季节性湿润的热带地区。重新分析结果可通过href="www.wenfo.org/wald/"target="_blank"> www.wenfo.org/wald/ 公开获得。



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